FS22 Mercedes Unimog U400 with removable frame v1.0.1
Changes in V1.1
Adjusted Nocian tires, no longer sink
Added Continental road tires
Front and rear hydraulics continue to raise and lower (snow plow)
brakes adjusted
Added hydraulic sound
Cargo no longer peeks through at the bottom of the trough
With unloading, the grain now falls back to the ground
New engine sound
Fixed rear wheel hub with standard Nocian tires
Steering speed readjusted
Autoload built into SEK (requires Pallet Autoload Specialization (From: Achimobil)
Next I want to take a look at all the textures
Own category
U400 configurable
SEK 802 change frame different structures
Küpper Weisser salt spreader for winter service
liquid tank