Welcome to Emerald Coast USA…
Deep in the southeastern United States lies the Emerald Coast. Just a few miles
north, however, there is rich farmland. Now you can journey to this area and
enjoy the farming experience for yourself. You begin with adequate equipment,
but to work well you must become profitable and expand.
In this region forestry is just as big a business as arable farming. Therefore,
a large managed forest dominates the northwestern hills of this map. Arable
farmland can be found in between the forest and the town, which is located in
the southern part of the map. Beef and pigs are available as well, with a sell
point in town.
All of your farming supplies, such as fertilizer and seeds, must be bought in
town. (no seed or fertilizer triggers at the farms) Fuel storage is available
on the farms, with a small amount to get you started; for more, use the bowser
to refill from town. For those that prefer to fertilize using anhydrous ammonia
there is a dedicated sell point by the main highway.
There is plenty of work here, so enjoy farming in the Emerald Coast USA!
This map has all the default crops, including a large forest of pines for some
serious forestry, and has added oat, soybeans, alfalfa, clover and cotton.
There are four sellpoints to sell stuff:
• Deep South grain mill – wheat / barley / rape / corn / oat / soybean
• Garden Center – wool / bales / cotton
• Biomass Plant – woodchips (located at the sawmill)
• Southern Ag – sugarBeet / potato
There is a modern grain system on the farm to store your produce until a better
price comes along. (picture which shows silo triggers included in file)
There are no unrealistic places to store grass or straw… as IRL you would bale
it up and store it, there are sheds around the map where bales could be stored.
• store bales anywhere / sell excess bales at the Garden Center / use feed
bales mod to feed bales in feed trough for cows or sheep at livestock farm.
• fermenting silos at the farm do not need compacting / will empty directly into
feed mixer / check status at console next to silo. (2 silos, accepts chaff,
grass and dry grass)
• get water at the lake for free / fertilizer/seeds sellpoint has fertilizer
triggers for use with soilmod. Fuel available at the local gas station or at
the diner near the sawmill.
• Milk sells automatically at midnight (the milk truck from the dairy in the next
town over apparently comes while everyone is sleeping, no one ever sees him!)
• There is custom traffic on this map (edited for faster speed without tinkering
with the game itself and messing up other maps… definitely do not pull out in
front of them! Also, several vehicles are parked at various locations (during
the work day) and leave at night. (some are gone during the day and appear at
• The fields all must be purchased except 2 which you start out with…
Since the farmland in this area has been unused for a few years, some of the
fields are in various states of disrepair… however, they are priced to
match the condition of the field…
REQUIRED MODS to download for map to work correctly:
• http://dl-file.com/jedb2s7gtgh1/Needed_Files_for_Map.zip.html
REQUIRED edits of chopped straw and multifruit for these files to work with
this map… all credits for these mods go to the original authors – I claim
no credits for these simple edits…
• https://www.farming2015mods.com/farming-simulator-2015/other/animation-map-trigger-v1-0-4-fs15/
(some doors on buildings and all the gates require this – on foot, press “O” to
open and close. (this means get OUT of the vehicle and approach the gate or door)
note: map is set up to use version 1.04 (older versions WILL throw errors)
• https://www.farming2015mods.com/farming-simulator-2015/other/aaa-universalprocesskit-0-9-12-fs-15/
REQUIRED for the fillable fueltanks on the farms to function
• https://www.farming2015mods.com/farming-simulator-2015/other/terrain-dirt-control-v-1-0-deutsche-version-fs15/
REQUIRED for the mud on the map to work… also gives realistic effects when
driving over dirt, gravel, cultivated or plowed terrain. (NOTE: for the crop
destruction feature to work with the multifruits on this map, you will need to
edit this file – instructions are in the thread for terrain and dirt control
on this site.
OPTIONAL MODS to download for best function:
• https://www.farming2015mods.com/farming-simulator-2015/other/soilmod-soil-management-growth-control-v2-2-x/
(If you dont want to use soilmod, all you have to do is remove the soilmod
from your “mods” folder)
• https://www.farming2015mods.com/farming-simulator-2015/other/balefeed-mod-v-2-0-mod/ – Bale Feed Mod allows
feeding bales in the feed troughs on the farm, also makes feeding or spreading
straw for your animals more life like
• https://www.farming2015mods.com/farming-simulator-2015/other/multimowing-v-3-1-fs-15/ – Multi Mowing Mod
allows cutting any crop on the map which drops a windrow… essential to allow
unedited mowers to cut the alfalfa and clover (also allows them to be direct-cut
by an unedited forage harvester)
• https://www.farming2015mods.com/farming-simulator-2015/other/baleextension-v-3-1-ultima-fix-fs-2015/
This mod allows the alfalfa and clover to be cut and baled WITH ROUND BALER ONLY.
Using a square baler will ALWAYS result in straw bales being produced due to a
known issue between bale extension and multifruit module. There IS a fix posted
in my MidTownUSA map thread for this issue.
PICS Included in map for farm trigger areas, also a copy of this description for
note: Soilmanagement and chopped straw mod is optional, the map will run fine
with out either.
Disclaimer: this is a highly detailed map, and as such will require a strong, high
spec PC to run… especially if you have many mods on the farm. The only solution
to this issue is to not use any mods and turn the settings down.
This will be the only version of the map, unless someone finds a game breaking
bug, shouldn’t since it’s been fully tested. However, any things you don’t like or
would like to be improved will have to be for your own private editions.
Happy farming!
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
How to install mods
Farming Simulator 2015 game is an agricultural game that gives you an opportunity to grow vegetables, take care of animals and buy or repair Cars, Combines, Tractors or other vehicles.
In FS 15 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from www.farming2015mods.com. Upload to your game folder. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.