I found this mod a little over a week ago in fs 15 mods it was pictured with a dodge flatbed truck I had never seen this mod before I seen it the other day on fs15 mods search I knew from picture that I wanted to convert it to fs 17 luckly someone had asked where to get it and had direct link to it so I got my hands on it and started the conversion it was only yesterday that seen where someone had already converted it this conversion is in no way connected to the one a guest uploaded I converted this one from 15 to 17 start to finish about the mod
The wilson Ranch Hand is the 24ft version and all though most ranch hands I looked at on net was bare aluminuim there was A few painted to the full custom paint job mine has I was going to do A full stock aluminuim look but by doing so It lost all of the mods details so I with painted I have doubled the number of clearance markers added reverse lights added a second tail light and redone some of the decals added the lower chrome panels the trailer must have built of a 4×4 truck cause the togue was to short so fixed that Same as the F350 it has texture file name: bodypaint02 so you can custom color it your choice with paint
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Great Trailer model I think the best iv seen great work Brad Davis
Credits BradDavis_aka_MisfitToyzLab
Model Build BradDavis_aka_MisfitToyzLab
Conversion from FS 15 Thunderhawk09
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.