FS17 caviar production V 1.0.1
Version 1.0.1
clearArea angepasst und Verkauf von lebenden Forellen im Forellen Kaviar Laden Preisanzeige in Eurer Verkaufsübersicht .
For the fish farming the caviar production and a sales building for our products only live trout are for further processing. Delivery live trout products caviar in drums and cardboard by-product fish flour on pallets for sale of caviar also good yield. Just have fun with the mod. BaTt3RiE and Kobold Koby
Script: kevink98/Marhu
Idee / Konzept: Kobold Koby/ BaTt3RiE
Tester: Kobold Koby
Sonstige: ben686 / mngrazy
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