City from Vaszics 3.1
Amendments to version 3.0.
Due to Courseplay users, replacement of the entire output system.
Transform Backwaren output system.
Further improvements in the input system.
Smaller landscaping.
Update your PDA
The main data of the 4x map:
Factory (46)
Greenmanure, CoffeeRaw, CoffeeRoaster, Biofood, Goose, Oilfield, Sand, Gravel, Concrete, Cement, Rabbits, Slaughterhouse, Brewery, Cannery, Cake Factory, Yogurt Factory, Refinery, Hmilk, Distillery, Sawmill, Washed Potatoes, Steamed Potatoes, Reibekuchen, Soya, Weberei, Pallet, Eggfarm, Greenhouses, Greenhouses1, Karton, Dairy, Kaviar, Trout Farm, Noodles, Juice, Backwaren, Whiskey, Fermenting Silo, Dryer, Forage Factory , PotatoChip, Sawmill, Slurry processor
Store (28)
Cowshed_construction, Airport, Bufalo Grill, Bale Storage, Building Market, Pub, City, City Grain, Farmshop, Fuel Sales, GrainMill, GrainTrans, Horse Stable, Manure Processing, Port of GrainMill, PowerPlant, Fish2, Shop1, Shop2, Shop3, Fruit1, Fruit2, Fruit3, Sand_gravel sale
Products (95)
wheat barley rape maize sunflower soybean rye oat hops spelled sugarBeet potato onion carrot lettuce cabbage redCabbage grass_windrow straw dryGrass_windrow chaff silage forage pigFood woodChips backwaren barleyflour beer boards booze bread butter cake carton cauliflower cement cherry coffeeBD coffeeBeanBD coleslaw concrete condensedmilk cookingOil cornflour emptypallet fatteningFood Fischmehl_KK FischMK FischMKKK flour gooseliver goosemeat gravel greenmanure hmilk KaviarKK juice kefir lettuce_P meat noodles melon muffin Oil Motoroil osternei potatoChip plum pumpkin raspberrybeer raspberry redcurrantsbeer redcurrants reibekuchen saladMix sausage steamedPotato stoffrolleMK strawberrybeer strawberry sugar tomato washedPotato wheatflour whiskey sand yogurt yogurt1 manure fertilizer seeds liquidManure fuel water milk
For more information, see the enclosed guide (Guide1).
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.