FS17 BallinCraig Estate 2017
Welcome to BallinCraig Estate. A small dairy farm in the heart of Northern Ireland. The map has 2 farms, 19 fields, a village, a machinery dealer, and an agricultural merchants.
The map is mainly grassland based with 2 barley fields to grow for straw. The map contains lots of features including:
Animated gates, lights and doors
A special silage barrier to allow you to fill the pit from the back
Seasons compatibility
Challenging terrain and tight lanes and gateways
High detail foliage and building textures
Have fun playing the map and I hope you have many hours of enjoyment.
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
Is this map comin to conlsole pls reply
I’m having trouble loading. It stuck on the loading screen and continues to appear that it is loading. The hourglass is going through the motions incredibly fast. Any information would be much appreciated.
sounds like a mod conflict disable all other mods then try it on its own
Sometimes maps take long to load but just in case check the log and remove any mods that have an error if you don’t know how to do it check youtube for vids and make sure the game is updated or check the mod desc file in the modded maps folder (BallinCraig Estate) open said file in notepad ++ or any code editor then change the mod desc number at the very top to something like 37 if its in the 40s refer to YT for vids on what am talking about. Just type in what the problem is and there should be at least one video.