FS17 Perestroyka v2.0.4
On the rebuilding map there is a dirt script implemented.
Moreover, in the swamp, each of your wheels will tie in its own way.
In addition to standard crops, carrots, onions, oats and rye are also available for sowing.
With animals also, in addition to the standard available calves and piglets.
There is plenty of production on Perestroika too. You can create the following products: canned food, bread, condensed milk, cookies, sugar, pivasyk, sunflower oil, packaged (husk, pulp), wheat flour, rye (bran), corn. However, it should be remembered that all products have different weights. So, if you are engaged in the transportation of cement, the trailer will prose specifically and pull it hard, and if you carry the hops, you can calmly cut even on steep slopes.
Throughout the territory of the map there were railroad tracks. There is even a train that moves along the rails, carrying numerous trailers. There is a port, a sawmill, numerous industrial facilities and many more. There are more than enough fields here. All animals and cultures are present here. There are even animated types of cows, sheep that do not belong to you, and they are owned by other farmers. There are also all kinds of “live” horses, dogs, cats, eagles, seagulls and even slippery snakes.
A few words about the trains: they have their own schedule, there can be only one train on the railway tracks. There are trains for specific needs, i.e. they are engaged in the transport of certain types of goods from the station. They represent the usual functional train, which buzzes, brakes, and if you stop it, you will be fined.
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.