FS17 The Po River 2 from Vaszics v1.0
The map of Po River was re-mapped by the Po River 2 map. The basics are the same, but the environment has undergone major changes.
I apologize for any existing mistakes and will constantly improve it.
The 1-6-7-8-9-10 fields are owned and the rest must be purchased. You can get water free of charge at free (freeWater). Field 1 is used with grass.
When launching a new game, I have the machines I have proposed on the map, which can of course be replaced at any time. To do this, it is necessary to copy the files in the defaultVehicles new Machines and modes required directory to the MODS directory.
The Proposed machines and modes directory contains the files that can help the game.
In the price table, most of the icons on the fruits have been replaced on a text surface for easier handling. Table 1 of crop types does not show all the plant icons in the oat and crop types table 2. This does not affect the course of the game. The Factory information field.xlsx excel table in the package can provide a great deal of help with the material needs of the factories.
It is possible to accelerate harvest maturity. To do this, the FS17_GrowthControl_PoRiver.zip file in the package must be copied to the MODS directory.
You can get more capacity trains if you use the assembly I have assembled.
The individual capacity of grain and sugarBeets wagons has been increased to 30,000,000 liters. This way we can deliver a larger quantity of goods at a time (up to 270,000,000 liters).
To do so, you must copy the contents of the attached train / library to the correct location of the original FS17 program (you should make a copy of the original library before copying).
C: Program Files Farming Simulator 17 Farming Simulator 17 data vehicles train
Some parameters:
The map is 4x
Factory (45)
Bakery, Biofood, Brewery, Cake_muffin, Canned_fruit, Cannery, Cement,Chips, Coffee, Concrete, Dairy, Distillery, Eggfarm, Fermentation,Fertilizer, Forage, GoldMine, Goose, Green1, Green2, Greenmanure,Hmilk1, Jam_juice_yogurt, Kaviar, Mills, Noodles, Oil_field, Oil_Mills,Orchid_gardens, Pigfood, PotatoCenter, Rabbits, Refinery_old,Reibekuchen, Sand_Gravel, Sawmill, Seed, Slaughterhouse, Slurry, Soja,Southern fruit, Sugar, Trout_farm, Weberei, Whiskey
Store (38)
Airport, Bale, Bank CastlePub, City, City_grain, Construction,
Cowshed_const, Creamery, Farmhouse, Shop Farm (2), Fish (3)Fruit (3),Fuel, Garden Center (2), Grainmill, Graintrans (2), HorseStable Manuel (2) Port Mill (2) powerplant (2), Restaurant_city, Sand_gravel, Ship,Shop (3), Wood Trans
Products (121),apple, applecanned, aviationfuel, bakery, banana, bananaliqueur,barley, barleyflour, beer, boards, booze, bread, butter, cake, carrot,cartonsvapa, cauliflower, cauliflower2, cement, chaff, cherry,cherrycanned, coco, coconuwhiterum, coffeeBD, coffeeBeanBD, concrete,
condensedmilk, cookingOil, cornflour, cow, dryGrass_windrow,
emptypalletsvapa, fatteningFood, fertilizer, Fischmehl_KK, Fischman,FischMKKK, fruitsugar, forage, fuel, gold, gooseFood, gooseliver,goosemeat, grass_windrow, gratedcoco, gravel1, greenmanure, Hmilk,hops, jam, juice, KaviarKK, kefir, lettuce, liquidFertilizer,liquidManure, maize, manure, meat, melon, melon2, milk, mmcandy,Motoroil, muffins, noodles, oat, Oil, onion, orange, orangesyrup,osternei, residual fuel oil, pig, pigFood, plum, plumcanned, potato, potatoChip,pumpkin, pumpkin2, rabbit food, rabbitmeat, rape, raspberrybeer,
raspberrysvapa, redcurrantsbeer, redcurrantssvapa, reibekuchen,
ripebanana, rye, saladMix, sausage, seeds, sheep, silage, soybean, spelled,steamedPotato, stoffrolleMK, straw, strawberrybeer, strawberrysvapa,sugar, SUGARBEET, sunflower, tomato, tomato2, washedPotato, water,wheat, wheatflour, whiskey, wood, wool, woodChips, yellowsand, yogurt
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.