FS19 Forgotten Plants – Icons v1.0
Here are my fruiticons.
New textures for:
Icons for the IndivitualHudFruit Mod by HappyLoose
Installation of the icons / mod you can refer to the eigendlich Mod.
Path: In the folder “IndividualHudFiles” replace the icons.
More updates will come as soon as the remaining icons are available.
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
how do i install this ? not able to locate the files on my computer?
how do you install these please
Where is path for ? “IndividualHudFiles” ???
je ne trouve pas le fichier IndividualHudFiles
in Farming 19, it is not present …
In that way it worked on 17, on 19, the system is different
useless mod as no one knows how to install it!
Forgotten Plants – Icons v1.0 FS19
Everyone, This is not a stand-alone mod.As the description says, this is just some new texture files for the mod IndivudualHudFruit. You need to have that mod installed to get these to work.
am i only one that figured out how to install it