FS19 Black Mountain Montana v4.0
Black Mountain Montana brings a nice mix of large tree forestry and farming in one map.
This is version 4 of Black Mountain Montana edited by me, Robbe. Version 1 and 1.1 were created by Hoot. Version 2 and 3 were created by ACME ACRES. I started editing this map for myself, but I tweaked so many things that others might enjoy as well.
New in v4.0:
– The whole map is now neatly divided in buyable farm lands (improvement upon v3). Many bigger farm lands have been divided in multiple smaller ones. The big actual farms have been divided into smaller ones to allow for better progression instead of having to buy a 400k field at once.
– All farms have been removed. You need to plow your own land if you want to farm. There is now a large flat grass land at your disposal. (I did this mostly because I wanted to do the $0 challenge and because I’m no fan of contracts)
– The fences and dirt roads have been removed in the big grass land to allow the player more freedom in how he goes around his fields and how he uses his land.
– Many farmlands have adjusted pricing. Lands at the edges or with roads in them are slightly reduced in price to accomodate for the land loss. The 3 million dollar roads and town farmland is completely gone and incorporated into other farmlands.
– Readded horse ranch, east treeline, east background. (map felt empty without)
– Remove some wood chip heaps and stacks of lumber in the lumber mill that were placed on top of the selling points to make it clear to the player where the selling point is.
– Alligned some light poles.
– Made the drive out for the shop more open to allow for bigger machinery.
– The town of Kona, the lumber mill and the ranch selling point is now defined under “Farmland 63” = neutral, unbuyable land. This should fix selling points not working which some users had issues with in v3.
– Created an all new PDA with each tree visible (significantly higher detail).
– Decreased file size from 560 to 310 MB.
– You can now paint grass with the landscape tool.
– Added lots more room for placeables.
– Added even more tree types and more trees in general.
– Totally reworked the sawmill.
– Added new areas to the map for some nice yarder logging.
– Added some flatter terain for lots more harvester logging.
– You can now purchase the entire map to make snow removal better.
– Cleaned up the main farm area, got rid of the junk.
– Many little things.
– Added my big trees.
– Added my new big birch which are now round instead of octagon shaped.
– Made all the land buyable so you can now use the snow blower on the store parking lot and all the roads.
– Added more trees.
– Cleaned up the farm area a bit
This map was created using real world terrain from the area around Black Mountain near Missoula Montana. Most of the map is mountainous forest with some farmland in the Northeast called the Big Flat in the real world. There is a fictional small town in the Northeast corner with the equipment dealer and the sell points. There is also a sell point in the Northwest at the horse ranch. There is no BGA or train.
The focus of the map is forestry, but there are enough decent size fields that a player can easily make a living just with farming. There are no animal zones so they will have to be placeables. There is ample open flat ground for the player to use for placeables. You may have to cut down a few trees and grind the stumps off first though.
If you are familiar with the FS17 map then you should be able to find everything without trouble. The sawmill has been moved down into the valley since the larger sawmill I used for FS19 did not fit in the old location. Both the wood and wood chips sale triggers are at the sawmill and are configured the same as the default Ravenport map. The wood heating plant (E.G. Miles Heat & Energy) in the extreme Northeast corner of the map also buys wood by the conveyor. Also at the heating plant is the trigger to buy hay, grass, silage and straw. It appears as “Barn” on the PDA and buys bales or loose.
The restaurant is next to the heating plant and is a regular sale point for grains, milk and eggs. The grain mill just across the Clark Fork river is also a regular sale point. The livestock market and spinnery are also across the river. The last sale point is in the Northwest corner of the map and appears as “Ranch” on the PDA. That area is set up to be the horse ranch and has a large grassy area for placeables and growing hay.
There are water triggers scattered around the map so you don’t not need to buy a placeable one. The large water tower in the town and the smaller one by the livestock exchange both have water triggers. You can pump water from the river or the pond in Little Marten Gulch. Additionally most of the green water tanks have water triggers. There is a lime station at the equipment dealer.