FS19 Genthin, die Perle am Kanal v1.0.0.0
This is my hometown Genthin and the village of Mützel, in Saxony Anhalt. I made large parts of the city, recreating the Altenplatow urban area to a small extent and the village of Mützel.
I have the Genthin Map with the help of a city map, Google Maps (LS19),
to my own knowledge based on my long time living there and sightings by driving off.
The construction time of the card in the current state is about 11 months (LS17) and the conversion to the LS19 about 2 months.
You don’t have a yard in the game.
Instead, a rented apartment, a rented property with shelters and your starting vehicles.
A field and a forest in Mützel.
There are the courtyard areas from the LS17 undeveloped to purchase.
Uhlandhof, (the plots around your rental apartment)
Werderhof (at the Werder industrial area)
Feldhof (on Feldstrasse just before the bypass)
Futterhof (in the village of Mützel)
Kuhhof (in the village of Mützel)
Pig farm (today a meadow)
Around 15,000 people currently live in Genthin and the associated villages.
There are no built-in productions on the menu, but there are around 42 areas available for everything that can be placed.
The map has 67 fields, including 8 meadows.
The field sizes range from 0.252 ha to 4.63 ha.
According to research, one hectare costs an average of 27,500 euros (in reality).
Traffic, pedestrians and ships are also obstructed.
There are the railway lines Berlin – Magdeburg and Magdeburg – Berlin (reality RE1),
in the LS19 standard trains with a charging station on the map (transport company,
Loading and unloading of trailers and trains) and one point of sale each outside the map in the map boundary.
This is passable with the respective train and can be entered at the sales points,
outside of these areas it is not impossible that you can fall through the map.
Standard cultures are built in and there is at least one point of sale for every standard crop, including manure and liquid manure.
There are tunnels at train stations and a bunker at the market.
The following sales outlets are installed:
AgriLB, Agrar, Aldi, AWG, bakery, BGA, post mill (Mützel), brewery, diner, Edeka, egg farm (Mützel),
Eiermaier, slurry trade, heating plant, wood chip, hotel, potato hans, Kaufland, Lidl, manure sale, dairy,
Mill, net, sawmill, carpentry, pet trade, purchase, toom and timber acceptance, weaving, sugar factory,
Train sales in Brandenburg (sales point in the map, train in the direction of Berlin in reality),
Train sale Jerichow (sales point in the map limit, train direction Magdeburg in reality)
Buying things: dealers (buying and selling vehicles, etc., repairing and configuring),
Groovy Gasoline + Aral + Tankofix = fuel,
2x factory for fertilizer and seeds (fertilizer etc. 50% cheaper than in the trade), cattle dealer (animals)
Repairs: tire service and workshop (repairing and configuring vehicles, but not selling them