FS19 Hawke’s Bay NZ V1.0
Hey guys, This map is based around where I live. The fields are a bit hilly but I have left them open so you can join them up.I really enjoyed doing this one as I started to add areas in that I remembered as a kid. JD did some videos of me building this map. Your eqipment is a bit run down as I based it as a inheritance that was left to you. The fence on the farm can be cut down if its not to your liking as well as the hedges. Gates on the farm are place ables as well. I am now getting back into another 4x map and hope you enjoy this standard size one. I would like to thank Mike from GnG Modding for his help. Also and big thankyou to Kentuckian JD and BOB Wrangler for testing it and videos.
This map has a rar file that needs to be unziped. Inside is 2 ziped files. One is the map, the other is the multifruit silo. add them to your mod file and when you start your game, the silo will be on the farm. If this is not to your liking. Delete it. To the rest, Enjoy. Cheers.
Giants, GnG Modding, Cazz64