FS19 Hobbs Farm 19 v1.1
Thanks to Chris of Funny Farm gaming we have been enjoying Hobbs Farm in FS19. This version seeks to bring the map into line with previous versions in terms of layout. Tidy up stray bits of grass and also was an opportunity for me to have a little fun in the editor after a long time away.
If you are well into a game on V1 there is no real reason to switch to this version but if you are looking to start a fresh game then V1.1 is the best choice.
I recommend starting as a new farmer as the main silos and storage areas are placeables. Starting on higher levels will leave you without storage.
Hobbs Farm is about big kit and industrial farming but it is also about alowing you to play your way. It has plenty of placeables areas and a few of our players have been totally converting the forest into an industrial park. The map has also been designed to be easy to use with Courseplay and Autodrive both of which I use in my games on Hobbs Farm. Hobbs Farm is also seasons and precistion farming ready.