FS19 Inscritos Map v1.0.0.0
5 Grain Sales plus 1 Sale at the Fair Wool Sales Bale Sales Chicken and Duck Egg Sales Cow and Goat Milk Sales Cotton Sales Sugar Cane Plant Animal Sales Lake Water Collection Point Borracharia e Mechanics Vehicle Store Fuel Station 1 Headquarters with Warehouses Additional Cultures:
1. Corn Safrinha
2. Green cabbage
3. Purple cabbage
4. millet
5. Sorghum
6. Carioca beans
7. Black beans
8. Rice
9. Green Grape
10. Red Grape
11. Coffee
12. Carrot 1
13. Napier grass
14. Peanuts
New Animals: Calves Corral (Small and Large) Goats Corral (Small and Large) Duck Fence (Small and Large)