FS19 ITALIAN RICE v1.0.0.0
First of all, please watch ALL the video before commenting. Comments pass ALL IN REVIEW, so trolls or disrespectful people do not waste time even writing, because their comments will NEVER be approved, and will NEVER be visible.
1-Don’t spam your channel.
2-Do not offend or incite hatred, violence or factions (football, political sport)
3-We do not accept topics not related to the game in question or the topic of the video.
4-Don’t talk about other Youtubers, and in general about people NOT PRESENT.
5-Express your opinions in a civil and polite way, therefore no swear words, offense or blasphemy and not even a few words of respect (Like “this or that sucks”, it says “I don’t like it” and it doesn’t “sucks”.)
6. Always use a respectful and polite tone and attitude.
Any comment that does not respect these rules and those of common sense, will be deleted instantly, and the user blocked.