FS19 LowerSaxony21 v1.1.0.0
Revised the collision of the bunker silos.
KSD lime seed and fertilizer and water removed from PDA because otherwise it is too nested.
Replaced cowshed in single player: German cowshed can be found at Modhub
Other small bug fixes.
For the single player a new savegame is unfortunately necessary.
For the final in progress ::: paint delineators, street signs, place names, bushes and decofoliage, labeling of the ingame textures!
Hello everyone, after many months of construction the time has come.
The Niedersachsen21 Map has a lot to offer and also looks very natural.
It is a quadruple map (4096×4096) with a total area of 16.7 square kilometers.
There are 180 fields and 16 flat courtyard areas, which are only shown as gray areas in the PDA. There are also 31 forest areas and 8 biogas plants.
The high types were increased from 32 to 128 (tiltable piles), Multi Terrian Angle and mud is also built in
The card is Seasons, Manure System, MaizePlus, MaizePlus ccmExtension, MaizePlus forageExtension, Maizeplus horseExtension, Addon Straw Harvest and Precision Farming Ready.
Despite the long test period, a few errors can still occur, please kindly
and comment objectively.
We mappers, modders and testers are just human.
A very big thank you goes to Kastor for approving the BGA100KW-BGA300KW and
to the Farming Agency (The AlienPaul) for approving the horseExtensions and
the associated textures.
And is often forgotten, a huge thank you to the LS-Modcompany for their template map on which this map is based.
We, the NDS – Modding team, wish you a lot of fun managing the map.