FS19 Mandalore II WIP v1.0
Yes, i know, finally a map, but not any map Mandalore… the 2nd, yes the mandalorians made another world. but darth maul is out to find you! Your clan has settled down on this snowy planet and wants to make a base, but they’ll need help; help from you! Your a foundling and you are going to become a mandalorian, but first you have to prove yourself to your clan.
~Map includes~
*many missions *Base, yes i know *More bases for your mandos *A cantina *House Clan Wren *House Clan Visla *House Clan Fett *Pit of Mantis (Find your helmet in the dark cave, and watch out for whatever lerks in side) *Mandalorians duh, *Easter eggs Yay! *And more stuff to explore *sry no baby yoda… yet… *and much much more
~Mods that are useful for Mandalorian roleplay~
*F11 mod – this mod is so awesome, you can fly around as if you have a jetpack ;) *Seasons and snowy seasons this mod was meant to be a snowy map so yes get this mod.
~Thanks everyone who made these awesome 3D models and everthing else~ Malymodder/Spartan_756/Grip420/Elk Ranch modding/Alana 6/Damian Byc/A buouboam/Rhavanti/A wiro/Rorrigoscar/Edward’sModding/GMCW If I left anyone out please let me know in the comments and thank you!