FS19 GEA Beltfeeder Animal Feeding Systems
GEA Beltfeeder. All good things come from above! The Belt Feeder is the first step towards automatic feed supply, a small, flexible solution with great economic strengths, a combination of storage bunker, conveyor belt and slide gate.
The Beltfeeder comes in two versions. Once to fill the feed group with hay and the second to spread self-mixed Forage. With the MVM 22 bunker, larger stocks can also be created to feed for a longer period of time.
Technical specifications:
GEA BeltFeeder Hay
Cost: € 95000
Bunker Capacity: 200000 L.
Maintenance costs: 40 € / day
Dimensions: approx. 7m x 4m
Raw materials: Silage / hay / clover hay / alfalfa hay / hay pellets
GEA BeltFeeder Forage
Cost: € 85000
Bunker Capacity: 200000 L.
Maintenance costs: 40 € / day
Dimensions: approx. 7m x 4m
Raw materials: Forage
Required Mods: