Is the same version, only under a different link, because the old one had expired.
The time has come. The pack is ready. You get 35 houses / shelters / silos ect. in the beautiful USA – Style .. beautiful red
See pictures
The pack about 320 Mb … yes I know a bit big .. but that’s just the same
I have dispensed with various silos, as these can also be used from the old Hofpack. They also fit very well in the USA
So as a demo and what you can build anything from it. (The pictures are from the savegame)
2 x farmhouse one blue the other white
1 x yard silo small
+ Extention
1 x yard silo big
6 x shelters
2 x cowshed
1 x pasture
2 x pigsty
1 x chicken coop
1 x horse stable
1 x sheepfold
1 x gas station
1 x water tower
1 x yard sign
1 x US flag
2 x wedge silo
1 x silo
Various fences in white
and much more
Gentlemen, I have an request. The Stable has no gate to the yard. In seasons you have to ride the horses every day. Could you please update the stable. Perhaps where the fence connects to the building where the animal dialog is located. And the door inside next to the feeding trough open as well. As is now I have to jump the fence to take the horse out for its ride. I’m using this mod and almost all its building on my farm. Thank You.