FS19 Placeable Fixes Beta v0.0.1

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FS19 Placeable Fixes Beta v0.0.1

Beta version. I have not tested it on all maps, or in MP. I do not know if it works on consoles.

Fixes the placement of Animal Husbandry, Water Tank, and Workshop.
— Removes the horrible grass borders.
— Will not overwrite the underlying ground texture.
— Removes the insane terrain editing costs.
— Place _almost_ anywhere.
— Removes the food messes. No more cleaning up 10x a day.
— Hopefully fixes the “no more space for eggs” issue.

— There is no height checking. Be careful with placement and check the height, else it will float in the air.
— Use the 2 Terrain Levelers included. 50×50 grass and concrete. No need to sell them, just place the animal pens on top.

Me myself and I. The voices gave guidance.

If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

FS25 Mods

Finding a game interesting after investing 300 hours into it can become a bit challenging. But with mods as long as there is a new update is assured, you are guaranteed a few more hours of new exciting gameplay. FS 19 Packs Mods are one of the greatest upgrades and can make your game unique. Downloading and adding FS19 Placeable Fixes Beta v0.0.1 Mod to your game is not difficult at all - you simply need to save a file and run it.

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1 Response

  1. prospeir says:

    Can you make tiles bigger to 100×100 or 100×50 because i cant i place them near eachother

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