FS19 Schleifner Transport und Utility Pack v1.0.0.1
Utility pack consisting of a front tank for diesel and two platforms for special tasks
bug fixes:
fixed missing / unnecessary l10n entries
added missing tangents hook
minor cosmetic corrections (looks likely anyway none.: ugly
What is inside?
Two platforms and a front tank
“Milk Platform”
Configuration as a transport platform with tension straps
Configuration as a mesh box with straps
Configuration Lattice box with milk churns, of which once a more realistic filling volume (420 liters) and a gameplay-friendly filling volume (3000 liters) as well as with and without warning sign
Configuration with IBC container for transporting water (2400 liters – 800 per container)
Color choice of two “old” colors, zinc and stainless steel (construction and platform)
service platform
Workshop trigger
Color choice of two “old” colors, zinc and stainless steel
Diesel (front) tank
pure diesel transport
Color choice (3x color, zinc and stainless steel)