FS19 John Deere 6010 Premium v1.0.0.0
Motor Configuration
(6510P 40KMH-6510P 50KMH-6610P 40KMH-6610P 50KMH-6810P 40KMH-6810P 50KMH-6910P 40KMH-6910P 50KMH-6910S P 40KMH-6910S P 50KMH)
Wheel brand configuration
Wheel configuration
(Standard-Full rim-Wide-Wide full rim-Back twin wheels-Wide back twin wheels-Full rim back twin wheels-Full rim wide back twin wheels-Twin wheels-Wide twin wheels-Full rim twin wheels-Full rim wide twin wheels and just for Trelleborg and Michelin narrow wheels and narrow back twin wheels)
Front Attacher configuration
(Bracket-300kg-500kg-700kg-900kg-1000kg-Front hydraulic)
Design configuration
VehicleType configuration
Front loader configuration
(Without-Stoll-Hauer-Aloe-John Deere)
Design color for Frontloader consoles
(Stole balck-John Deere green-Aloe black-Hauer black)
Shield configuration
Steering knob configuration
Transmission configuration
(PowerQuad-PowrQuad Premium-AutoPower)
Reverser configuration
Front worklights configuration
Front fenders configuration
(Front-Back-Back wide-front+back-front+back wide)
Passenger seat configuration
Cabine box configuration
Beacons configuration
Rearview mirror configuration
Air Display
IC Control
Mod is full animated
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