FS19 STEYR 8090A TURBO SK2 V1.5.4
– Power 80 hp
– Frontloader Attacher
– Selectable Wheels
– Selectable Design
Price 17000 €
Version 1.5.4:
* Welded Rims (wide rear tire)
* Nursing Tires
* Radsets reduced
* Added two LED work tickets at the back
* New Store Pic / Brand
* Steering revised
* Storage compartment added (decoration in the cabin)
* Radset added (400/70 R20 + 420/85 R34 without Kotis Front)
* DL memory + battery box added (deco)
* Door L, door R, windscreen, rear window, roof hatch, windscreen R animated (to open, via mouse control)
MB3D Modelling, STEYR Modding Team, rs123456, Joe968, Modellfreak