-Power: 85 hp base / 100 hp turbocharged
-Price: 18000 €
-Speed: 30 KM / H
-Tire configurations
-Design settings
-Miscellaneous animations
Lamina 01
Lamina 01 its main function is to open fields in the form of plowing..
-Front coupler required
-Price: 600 €
-Working width: 3m
Lamina 02
Lamina 02 has as its main function to displace silage. It can be used to accommodate piles of grain.
-Requerido acoplador frontal
-Price: 600 €
-Working width: 3m
Front winch
Front winch used to transport bigbags
-Front coupler required
-Price: 800 €
Support for bags
Support with four corners used to transport bigbags
-Front coupler required
-Price: 300 €
Front Coupler
The front coupler is the basis for using the other implements. Bigbags winch, front blade and ladle for transporting products can be attached to it.
-Potência requerida: 80 CV
-Price: 1000€
Universal shovel
Excavator shovel used to move grain, earth and other materials within the farm.
-Capacity: 750 Lts
-Required front coupler
-Price: 600 €