CLAAS LEXION 550 AND 560TT Combines V1
Here’s my Claas Lexion 550 and Lexion 560TT for FS15.
I’m sure some of you will know these already from FS13. :)
The combines and the cutters were converted to the standard of FS15 with the following features:
Lexion 550/560TT:
– lights, including turn signal, workinglights and beaconlights
– washable
– new texture
– animatios, like graintank, chopper, ladder…
– manual unloading
– beaconlights at 80% filllevel
– indoorhud: speed, rpm, filllevel, operatingtime, hectars
Gerinhoff HV660:
– foldable
– washable
– animations
– particles
Conspeed 6-75FC:
– foldable
– washable
– animations
– particles
– new texture
– It’s permitted to offer the mod for download on other pages as long as the original download link is used. If you want to use it in a Pack, PM me. If you want to use any parts of this mod, you have to ask for permission first.
Lexion 550:
Modell: Stehbeni, Nickel77, MF2, Shangri66, Michi77
Textur: Stehbeni, VMarci, Michi77, Mobius, MF2
Ingame: Stehbeni, VMarci, Michi77, 619Tobias619
Script: SFM, Knagsted, Michi77, FIAT80-90DT, Bluebaby210, webalizer
Lexion 560 TT:
Modell: Stehbeni, Nickel77, MF2, Shangri66, Michi77
Textur: Stehbeni, VMarci, Michi77, Mobius, MF2
Ingame: Stehbeni, VMarci, Michi77, 619Tobias619
Script: SFM, Knagsted, Michi77, FIAT80-90DT, Bluebaby210, webalizer, shangri66
Conspeed 6-75FC:
Modell: Burner, Michi77, MF2
Textur: Michi77, MF2
Ingame: Burner, Michi77
Script: SFM, Michi77
Geringhoff Harvest Star HV660:
Modell: usxi7sd
Textur: usxi7sd, Michi77
Ingame: usxi7sd, Michi77
Script: usxi7sd
How to install mods
In Farming Simulator 15 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from www.farming2015mods.com. Upload to your game folder. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.