Alpental Map V 1.0
After much back and forth, I was thinking my version of the Alpine valley for 15 Ls convert.
So I have new buildings built as the Ls 15 sawmill Ls 15 thermal power station, a garden center, a camp for chips, the Ls 15 grain storage and the new precipitable trees. Furthermore, there are now 3 points of sale and a new double silos on the farm.
There are on the map 10 fields and meadows and 6, all standart animal species.
If you want to make trees I commend to you the great forest in the north of the map, because it looks ugly when the trees which serve as Mapbegrenzung away.
I now wish you many great hours on my map
MFG Moia
PS: some feedback I would be happy
Map by: Elmo // Moia
Objekte, Texturen, … by:
Elmo // Wohlstandskind // Buschi // Katsuo // mailman // Fatian // LS-Landtechnik // Luxfarm // marhu, Kolbenfresser, Hatzfan (TMT-Trans Mapping Team) // MorphX-Fruktor (Eifok) // LwFarming // Alex2009 // SLJ-Agrar // Chefkoch_LS2011 (FSM-Team) // fendtfan1 // Eisbearg // Raptor5 // El Cid
How to install mods
In Farming Simulator 15 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from www.farming2015mods.com. Upload to your game folder. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.