My BIG Country Map V 1.3 Inkl. DamageMod
Version 1.3 inkl. DamageMod
Neue Layer eingefügt: Schilf-Unkraut-Eisenhut-Unterholz-Händelwurz
Damage and Reapair Mod eingefügt
BGA-Waage mit Statisticfunktion eingefügt
Overload Pipe eingefügt
Sägewerk Aktualisiert (Script) v1.5
Rübenschneider Aktualisiert (Script)
WaterMod Aktualisiert auf Version: 3.4.0-47
SchweineMast Aktualisiert auf Version: 5.0
PalletteColector Aktualisiert auf Version: 3.0.1
ViehMarkt Aktualisiert auf Version 2.0
MapSiloBand Aktualisiert (Schweine/Kühe)
StallTor Getauscht auf Schiebeversion
Seitenwände der Fahrsilos getauscht (Hof)
StrassenTextur getauscht.. die meine Textur hab ich mit beigelegt zum wechseln. Readme liegt bei.
For Map!
This is the extension of My Little Country
On this map are 18 fields to be Bewirtschafften.
The largest field has 11.46ha
As usual, the cow pasture (right on the farm) is a little sheep away from the farm and of course the Federfieh:-) with a large welfare gate, ps. Have fun looking at eggs ^^
The yard is adjusted as usual in my style.
Logfehler? Are not known to me!
This map has the standard LS15 fruit varieties
The feed store is right on the pasture, manure manure and grass bales Hächslegut and you can at the Gärterei
Sell ??and gets .. a little money for it
In order to get a loan from the bank or to pay it back you have to go to nächstgelegende village.
Freight station ….. wheat barley maize rape potato turnip
Country trade ……. wheat barley maize rape country trade trigger I II potato and beet
Country trade wheat barley maize rape II ….
Memory I ……. wheat barley maize rape
Memory II …… beet
Baker: ………. wheat barley maize rape
Gardening: ……. Grass straw manure slurry Hächselgut
Spinning: ……. wool
Special features of this map:
Goldtaler Search!
And as a little gimmick to me track the train from the sawmill to the freight yard after you pull the lever.
WolPaletteCollector installedMarhu
Integrated ChoppedStraw v15.03
Visible animals was reduced to 6Tiere per pasture / because the cows and chickens on the farm
Rape texture of Eribus was mistaken with grass stubble! Permission has been granted!
BGA AbladeEinzugsschnecken: sunk into the ground to fill a trailer ..
or as usual with the wheel loader + more fruit. TagFunky
Manure and manure mod …………….. / Marhu & Community
Pig farm v3.2.7 ……………… / Marhu & Community
WaterMod V3.1.5 ………………….. / Marhu
Feed stores ……………………. / frisco0177
Sugar Factory (memory). ……….. / Trekkerbodo
Ground textures …………………. / ZEFIR
Rape texture ……………………. / Eribus
I hope that I have no one forget. Please bask Report!
HofSilo was exchanged / BGAsilo
Mist – Sale
Tanker – Sale
Chopped – Sale
Village bank
No Logfehler!
Traffigfahrzeuge and pedestrian
Feldgrösen in Hecktar ..
Field No. 01 = 4.01 ha
Field No. 02 = 5.83 ha already in possession / Planted with Gerst / needs to be fertilized
Field No. 03 = 7.79 ha
Field No. 04 = 7.90 ha
Field No. 05 = 2.73 ha
Field No. 06 = 4.42 ha
Field No. 07 = 5.81 ha
Field No. 08 = 3.81 ha
Field No. 09 = 4.08 ha
Field No. 10 = 1.73 ha already in possession / Planted with rape / needs to be fertilized
Field No. 11 = 7.34 ha
Field No. 12 = 11.16 ha
Field No. 13 = 11.46 ha
Field No. 14 = 4.89 ha
Field No. 15 = 6.00 ha
Field No. 16 = 5.40 ha
Field No. 17 = 8.20 ha
Field No. 18 = 5.15 ha already in possession / Planted with rapeseed / needs to be fertilized
* If Needed! (But not mandatory): GuelleMistMod.zip: https://www.farming2015mods.com/farming-simulator-2015/packs/guellemistkalkmodpack-for-fs-2015/
* If Needed! Pigs Transport Trailer: https://www.farming2015mods.com/farming-simulator-2015/trailers/joskinbetimaxrds-7500-v3-5-2-trailer/
* If Needed! ChoppedStraw.zip v15.03 in the RarDatei! https://www.farming2015mods.com/farming-simulator-2015/other/choppedstraw-v-15-0-03-fs-15/
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
How to install mods
Farming Simulator 15 game is an agricultural game that gives you an opportunity to grow vegetables, take care of animals and buy or repair Cars, Combines, Tractors or other vehicles.
In FS 2015 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from www.farming2015mods.com. Upload to your game folder. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.