BjorneinhofMap V 1.0 FS 2015
Hello There,
Here is a converted Bjorn Holm map. There the animals were placed all the main courtyard of the old cow pasture and the old sheep pasture a meadow was taken. Furthermore, the mast installations of Marhu and team were inserted. Likewise, the Court has now got its own small BGA. Even the sawmill of Marhu was installed. Was yet installed the GMK-Mod, and the Watermod.
The animals and fattening facilities are all located in Hofnähe, so that the card is wonderful for the single player.
In the pig was added as an additional feed the pigForage to this will make the production chain of Marhu needed, you have the production chain do not appear Errors, but still does not Prolbem in Modsordner, just a pile was made where in the hall at the broiler you can store its steamed potatoes. If you have the production chain not in Modsordner then also here an error appears again.
The sawmill from Marhu is not required in Modsordner, since it is already permanently installed. The pig can be picked up in this version already with the hanger from the cattle market. The cattle Nocht not, because it is not the latest version of mast systems.
Required Mods:
Viehanhänger the juveniles also can load
Water Trailer of Marhu, otherwise you can the production chain of Marhu not supply water.
Marhu und Team: Mastanlagen 4.1.0, Sägewerk, GMK-Mod, Watermod, Viehmarkt 1.0.0
TyphOn: BGA für Kleinbetriebe
Pandahma: Metzgerei
möchtegernbauer: Schlachtergebäude
Luculus: Schweine animiert
borutcebulj: alte Scheune
VertexDezign: AnimationMapTrigger
Giants ist Urmodder der Karte
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
How to install mods
Farming Simulator 2015 game is an agricultural game that gives you an opportunity to grow vegetables, take care of animals and buy or repair Cars, Combines, Tractors or other vehicles.
In FS 15 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from www.farming2015mods.com. Upload to your game folder. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.