Cereals GmbH Map V 1.1
Changes in version 1.2:
- Adapted roadside textures
- Fixed a bug in the drinking water of the Mods
- Down box set purchase Symbols
- Resetting of vehicles now works.
The map to our Games Community cereals GmbH.
The map is a new development and was created from scratch.
There are numerous shelters for extensive multiplayer games with lots of equipment.
In single player can play the card quite well since the size is manageable.
You take the grain depot GmbH is generous.
Compost and manure mod 4 RC Devil in version 1.2 Include Dügersorten: Compost, nitrogen fertilizer, NPK fertilizer, phosphorus fertilizer, potash fertilizer.
Compost can be produced on Compostmaster and stored in the yard Compost can also sell or use in the fields as fertilizer!
The other types of fertilizer can be purchased and stored by the Röchling fertilizer trade.
Man can handle the kinds of fertilizer with the standard vehicles.
Mod of water Marhu included. Water can be brought by the lake or in the village 2 by the fountain and large main lake in the village 1.
The factory of diesel, food, etc. Satgut is permanently installed on the card.
Silage silos have been installed on the card at the BGA on the farm there are two of them again if you do not want to drive or for single-player games.
Some of the dirt roads could knock you out of the tractor :) when rapidly driving, they were quite demanding applied to einzubremsen speeders.
The curves on the streets were also very closely applied to prevent excessive speed, continue to keep the streets one way or another surprise in store.
At the depot there is of course a slurry storage and cows with this you can turnip cutters, feed it, however, other troughs available at pasture and in the barn.
The first field can purchase your Free! Two more are ready for processing after purchase.
The other fields need to be created or gepfügt!
Before the depot there is a lawn mowing with outdoor space for each machine on the front page, this is also in the 3 applied fields like that.
All lawns are mähbar there is no decorative grass was used.
You can also sell compound feed and seed from the factory.
Very Important!
The universal process of Mor2000 kit is required!
Otherwise, you are missing buildings in the map!
Only the Blank Beige Mod GülleMistKalk use otherwise the card will not run!
The download should be unpacked, there you will find two archives once the modpack and once the map.
Grain silos, Düngersilo, Röchling Fertilizer: RC-Devil on
Compost fertilizer + 4 Mod incl Trade & Silo V 1.2. RC-Devil on
GülleMiskKalk Mod: Marhu on
Shelters and halls: Technology and boertje96
Food storage: 1984Fendt936
BGA: Steinklopfer on
Silos bunkers: vertigo14
Beet cutter: Funky on
Church in village 1 and 2:’d like bauer
Village village buildings 1 and 2: luculus
Slurry manure Purchase: zatoxx
Manure storage: Andy1978
Garden centers: Rene248
Compost Master: Farmer_Andy on
Well: Hardstyler on
Factory: t0xic0m
Silage silos: t0xic0m
Dekalb SeedCompany: Jerrico
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
How to install mods
Farming Simulator 15 game is an agricultural game that gives you an opportunity to grow vegetables, take care of animals and buy or repair Cars, Combines, Tractors or other vehicles.
In FS 2015 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from www.farming2015mods.com. Upload to your game folder. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.