Welcome to my new map for 2015, It is only a small map and converted from 2011 which was the very first map I made, The map is packed with loads of thing to do and will keep you occupied for a while I hope. There is only 1 Farm with everything there to hold all original fruits, there is also storage areas for straw-Forage-Grass, the forage storage is the one next to the grass, just haven’t put a sign there. The bale sale is also next to the straw storage just behind the cow silo, there is a maze built in for the collection of the gold coins good luck, and also 2 big fields which are free to cut grass, but you can purchase these to make them into another 2 fields if required. The shop is next to the main village and also the brewery, the wood sale is at the transport area next to the main farm and also carpenters in the village, there is only 1 fuel station and this is also in the main village so keep a eye on the fuel gauge or get a fuel trailer. The BioGas is at the end of the village and over the bridge and this also has the woodchips sales. The potatos and sugarbeets storage is next to the fuel station and this also has woodchips storage, which is also very close to the forest, also in the forest you will find Mast addon, which is cattle Fattening and the sales for the cattle is at the butchers at the end of the village next to bio, The last thing to mention is Tesco sales, which is at the rear of Tesco’s this is for fruits and egg sales, Water mod has been added to chickens, cows, sheep So please enjoy and have fun.
You will need a suitable cattle trailer for the Cattle Fattening, you could use any but here is a on from OEB Modding https://www.farming2015mods.com/farming-simulator-2015/trailers/obe-livestock-trailer-for-fs-15/
Giants for GE and game
FS-UK for the awesome site
All members for FS-UK
Roads by Russ
Garage objects by Jachen Paule
Garage Hall by Dutch Agricultural Modelling
Village Houses by Duarn
Hedges by Erik T and Spider
Sheds by NI Modding
Giants for most objects
Folklift by Modall
Audi a4 v10max
Range rovers by clrsjohn
Renault megane by ford fan
VW by fin05808
Transit by Bumblebee Transformers
Transit tipper by Rannard-ls-mods
Water Mod by Marhu
Cattle fattening by Ls-2013Modding
Scania by Emerson
Cow shed by Timber131/TTModding
Tesco originally by m1800power edited by robbie
and last robbie for work put in.
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
How to install mods
Farming Simulator 15 game is an agricultural game that gives you an opportunity to grow vegetables, take care of animals and buy or repair Cars, Combines, Tractors or other vehicles.
In FS 2015 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from www.farming2015mods.com. Upload to your game folder. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.