Grazyland Map V 1.2 GMK Mod
Servus LS community
I hereby present you the grazyland for Farming Simulator 2015 is available.
Those who still remember the map of LS13, it has not changed much :)
A few adjustments had to be made ,,, a few things had to give way, a few things were added, but on the whole everything is like “before”: P
Facts: Multi Fruit -> oats, rye and sunflower (incl. Planning and particle animation, lime and fertilizer as well), chicken and pig fattening, cattle fattening, agricultural flyer to fertilize the fields (for the lazy among us) WaterMod, manure / dung / Lime Mod, warning signs, barriers (some open to the manual), MapSiloBänder, 2x Fermenting silos, 2x feed storage, extra potato / beet stock at the animal farm and the BGA (UPK), manure storage, Häckselgutlager Chips stock on the farm and distributed 3 pieces on the Map (UPK), 2 Mixer stations, beets Schneider, wool pallet collector, straw power plants, factory for various things, Manuel BGA from the LS13, Mini BGA on the animal farm, logistics center, Green Ag, Roth Ag, rape Ag, cereals Ag, country store, garden center, Edeka, sugar egg, water pumps, butcher, oil mill, saw mill, biomass cogeneration, Map lights, lime / fertilizer produced purchase and storage conditions, a fillable stations (farm and animal yard), gas stations with variable prices, Digital level displays, ChoppedStraw, BunkerSiloHud Ready, Seedmaster normal seeds (seeds) can be Utilized as it were, for the standard drill,
Traffic passes over the entire map. Pedestrians in the village.
This was it first in the rough and all, I’m sure I forgot something back, but most of it was recorded :)
Required Mods
Animation Map Trigger: https://www.farming2015mods.com/farming-simulator-2015/other/animation-map-trigger-v-1-0-2-fs-15/
ChoppedStraw: https://www.farming2015mods.com/farming-simulator-2015/other/choppedstraw-v-15-0-03-fs-15/
GülleMistKalk Mod: https://www.farming2015mods.com/farming-simulator-2015/packs/guellemistkalkmodpack-for-fs-2015/
Universal Process Kit v0.9.8: https://www.farming2015mods.com/farming-simulator-2015/other/universalprocesskit-v-0-9-8-fs-15/
Livestock: https://www.farming2015mods.com/farming-simulator-2015/trailers/hw-animal-trailer-v-2-0-for-fs-2015/
Multi Fruit basis Mod: https://www.farming2015mods.com/farming-simulator-2015/other/multifruit-v-3-0-fs-2015/ (module for the map is the map included)
Soil Management: https://www.farming2015mods.com/farming-simulator-2015/other/soilmod-soil-management-growth-control-v2-0-x-fs-2015/
Sooo, long story no sense (no description reads anyway)
I wish you much fun on the Map
Big thanks goes out to my testers: chrisu70, clod 2.0, maisbauer1242 and of course the whole LU GreeenDevils team who have a 4 week stress test on the Dedi Server pulled through :)
Special Thanks goes to: BlueBaby210 for the release of MapAmpeln! THX
Someone forgot to Creditz? Report to you by private message! THX
1x unzip file and choose “Copy” everything in the mods folder!
grüsse mngrazy
Marhu , matzesft , FSM-Team , buchhauer , Alex2009 , Blacky_BPG , Ls-2013Modding , KundS Modding , Livestyler , freak36558 , skydancer , GE-Mapping , ZeFir , Eribus , Vertex Dezign , GCG Modding , Manu ya , Fendt512_Farmer , Bluebaby210 , | Mark44 | , 112TEC , Trekkerbodo , SBorg , mariodieck , _PaPa_ , TheAgraama , Typho0n , Roman@k , manuuuu , webalizer , t0xic0m , Farmer_Andy , Funky , tobiasgo , Mannie313 , Hardstyler , upsidedown , JakobT
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
How to install mods
Farming Simulator 15 game is an agricultural game that gives you an opportunity to grow vegetables, take care of animals and buy or repair Cars, Combines, Tractors or other vehicles.
In FS 2015 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from www.farming2015mods.com. Upload to your game folder. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.