Hamlet V1.0
Map for:
It is a fictional vicinity.The map is rather intended for single player, since it (until now) is still very small. Multiplayer was not tested by me, since I have no opportunity to do so. The map is still under construction, but it is now fully playable and without Logfehler (see picture) therefore I do not want to deprive you right now where eh not so much Mod maps are out side. So if any small maps like they do not need down load and then complain.
-Sägewerk (Unfortunately still out of service)
Is installed:
-large Yard
-3 Fields (first 3)
Ovine are not yet installed
The zip file from the download I just push and finished the mods folder. Do not unpack or whatever.
In besetn case the mods folder is here:
C: Users A Documents My Games FarmingSimulator2015 mods
Planned for the V2:
Expand -Map
-More Details
To run to bring -Sägewerk
-More outlets
Edit texture maps
I am completely open to suggestions or comments, on your constructive criticism, I’m very excited.
Baywa merchants – Kunds Modding
Feed storage – Abate
If I have forgotten anyone, please message to me then that is corrected.
How to install mods
In Farming Simulator 15 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from www.farming2015mods.com. Upload to your game folder. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.