Well, to continuation you can see the different places where you will find
different product for the various production [Press AltGr + L]:
A – Sell Woolpalet.
B – Sell beef, pigs and lamb.
C – Production Kalk.
D – Fabric Cement.
E – Sell wood.
F – Buy tree planting.
G – Production Hops.
H – Sell beef, pigs and lamb.
I – Sell Wood.
J – Fabric Beer.
K – Point for limestone and gravel.
L – Point for sand.
M – Factory Cement.
N – Terrain for greenhouses, trees,…
O – Flour Cooperative.
P – Factory Bread.
Required Mods Included
– AAA_64erFix.zip –
– AnimationMapTrigger.zip –
– AAA_UniversalProcesskit –
– Map Buyable Object Fs15 –
– ZZZ_ChoppedStraw.zip –
– zzz_CompostSoil.zip –
– ZZZ_multiFruit.zip –
Optionals Mods:
Mod recomended:
*** Pack Recomended Included
* Fliegl_Animal_Trailer_Pack.zip
* FoerderBandOffRoad.zip
* Kotte_Universal.zip (3 models)
* PistVan_Box.zip
* PistVan_Boxy.zip
* WaterMilkZunhammer.zip
The map included different vehicles for all fruits.
Regards and enjoy.
v0.95 Beta:
Delete trees, only pine and same polar.
Add trees paintables for all map.
More angle terrain.
New Fruit HUD
Weight file 388 MB.
Changed grass textures (crop and land).
After selling point for solid and liquid manure.
Added digital markers for all storable.
Fixed problem with indicators of lime and hops.
Added combine TC5.90 MT.
Combine relocated, comb, hurliman, Brantner and counterweight.
Has been added roost (raising chickens) increases to 408 mb map.
Added weeds (multisprayer).
The angles of the land, concerning the lines making the worker have
been restored.
Fixed problems with the boundaries of the fields, some gave error
“this field is not yours” in certain areas.
Solved problem loading limestone completely fills all trailers to
accept this type of load.
Added oat, spelt and rye straw to the point of sale at the farm.
Icon Roost Map.
Adjusted selling cattle prices.
Ready soilmod (see the last video!!).
Ready chopped straw.
Ready GuelleMistMod.
Relocated stores in area of cows.
Added compost soil with two outlets and functional with soilmod.
Added RecicleCenter fertilizer production.
Fixed problem with sound trigger animation map.
Added GasExtended (fuel is stored at the farm).
Added spelled the farm silo.
Fixed tape discharge area cow manure.
Placeable added two types of olives, producing 25 and 38 kgs.
Added cooperative for processing olive oil, olive oil, sunflower and
olives also buys.
Added function sunflower processing mill (MolinSur) produces sunflower oil.
Added new access to field 52.
Added more traffic.
Added new access to the farm shop.
Added field with 538 olive trees.
4 field ready for planting olive trees.
Decor ground with short grass.
Added prepared terrain for placeable near the field 89.
Added prepared terrain for placeable near the sheep zone.
Added store for gravel, limestone, sand and compost.
The Seedmaster2k15 produces seeds (seeds), not semillas2 (seeds2), the
sowgame can be filled.
Added heaps of gravel, sand and limestone in quarry.
PDA fuller.
Added circuit near the quarry.
v 1.75:
Added loader Wagons Bergmann HTW65 MS
Added implements EasyFlow 300 MS
Added tomato and cucumber to shovel (frontloader and wheelLoader)
Change dinkel (DE) to spelt (EN) in triggers, sell points, tippers,…
Change texture fillplane for tomato and cucumber.
Fix bug with conveyor belt tomato and cucumber in farm.
Added new particle for fruit no originals.
Fix sprayer and fertilizerSpreaders for soilmod.
Added kalk to manureSpreaders.
Changed script for multifruit.
Solved problem with straw oat, rye and spelt (now you can sell).
Added oat, rye and spelt windrow in cow, pigs, beef, lamb and chicken2.
You can use oat, rye and spelt windrow for produce compost soil.
New way farm to cowzone.
Fix problem with mapbuyableobjects.
Change forest zone near field 62 to SiloGroup zone.
Shortgrass for all map, in the field disappears when you plough it.
Added weighbridge in BGa, SiloGroup, Port and freightYard.
All vehicle accept all crops with new zzz_multifruit.zip.
Two version, GMK for soilmod, chopped straw and guellemist mod & other
with nothing or chopped straw and guellemist mod
GMK Version only original crops and tomato, cucumber.
Added GMK version fabric for sugar.
Added more traffic.
News waterplanes in river and dam.
Same version for normal or soilmod with chopped straw (no use guelle
mist mod with soilmod.
Fix problem shovel target in limestone, tomato and cucumber.
Changed terrain in field for trees.
Renovated Mischstation 3.2.0.
Renovated BGA.
Fix “you don’t own this field” in field 37.
Added store for all crops in second farm back Quarry A.
You can use this famr for other player (MP), the map now is multifarm,
independent silos..
Update SchweineMast to v5.0.0.
Changed functions Olivasa, you need oliva and water.
Included ViehMarkt in Metzgerei for sell young Animal.
Fenced supermarket Dia with two entries.
Added fabric of flour (Harinsur)(Press Alt + L).
Added fabric of bread (Polvillo)(Press Alt + L).
Milk automatic sales disabled, you sell the milk (new savegame).
Added tutorial initiation.
Agroport buy castle.
*** For continue your savegame delete the next files when you have
harvested all:
Soil & GMK v1.75 has only added tomato, cucumber and hemp, if you have
not stored any original culture I recommend selling it.
This files is in your savegame folder in my documents/my
Modell, Desing, Modified Vehicles, Tested: Vanquish081
Textures: Google, cgtextures.
Hud Fruit: Jakob Tischler
SeedMaster2k15, Michsattion v3, watermod,fermentingsilo – Marhu
Schweine und Rindermast – Mannie313
Lamb1 – jojo800
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
How to install mods
Farming Simulator 2015 game is an agricultural game that gives you an opportunity to grow vegetables, take care of animals and buy or repair Cars, Combines, Tractors or other vehicles.
In FS 15 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from www.farming2015mods.com. Upload to your game folder. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.