Klettenberg Map V 1.0
Introduction I want to introduce you my new map ‘Klettenberg’ disposal. The Map is a free
fictional landscape. It’s all kept relatively closely to get the game upright.
In the north of the map are the biogas plant, the main courtyard with dairy and grain storage.
Central on the map are two courtyards with sub-plots for equipment and stock for maize and
Grass silage. To the east is the country trade in cereals, maize, oilseed rape, beet and potatoes.
To the west you will find the sawmill. In Klettenberg there is a small and large village.
The map has 60 fields spread over 165 hectares of arable land. The average area is 2.75ha.
Facts about map- new, free erfundende landscape in hilly Styles
– Detailed and tightly designed
– Purchasable objects (Alleehof, Schafshof, biogas plant, sawmill)
– Chopped straw remains lying on fields
– Manure or manure texture when fertilize with dung or manure
– Many goals to open (it was at warehouses, stables, etc …)
– Traffic and pedestrians
– A total of 60 fields
– Arable land of 165 hectares of arable land
– Purchasable fields
– Point of sale “freight depot” in the east of the Map (acceptance of all fruits)
– Large biogas plant
– The main courtyard with dairy cattle
– Manure storage capacity of 150,000 liters on purchasable Alleehof
– …
Required additional scripts (so that everything works in the Map which is installed)
A special thanks goes to …- Agro Business Team (Farmer 12, stuttgart27, LS 2020), the number of pictures and videos of the
Map did and stood for many MP-testing.
– NKB-Modding Team who have given me a lot of feedback and especially test results.
– Deutzfreakwsm who created me the PDA card for the map.
– The community, for many objective opinion and feedback on the map.
… And of course modding also a thank you to the other, of which I have objects, buildings, etc used! Giants Software, Vertex Dezign, Cebulj Cek, madabub, Steffen30muc, Fatian, Nick 9.81, Katsuo,
Kolbenfresser, Kiler199630, Mod-Portal, Desperados93, webalizer … THANK YOU!
If I did not mention someone, I want to apologize in advance and ask you to write to me so that I may resent your name.
You found an error / bug, then meld him here: Klettenberg Map – Bug and error thread
You have ideas for a Version 1.1, then share it with here: Klettenberg Map – ideas and suggestions
We hope you enjoy exploring the countryside!
Deere6800 & NKB-Modding
This mod must be made without prior approval by us, at no other pages to download. The mod may not be changed without the consent of Great-Modders or re-uploaded. The mod may only be used for the Farming Simulator 2015! Not for other games.
This mod / map may, without prior authorization from us (NKB-Modding), be placed on any other sites to download.
We reserve the right to be removed before any links that do not refer to the original download link.
We rely in all cases on the copyright law. Here are some important Paragraphen.§ 12 publication rights (1) The author shall have the right to determine whether and how his work is to be published. (2) The author is reserved to communicate publicly the content of his work orto describe as long as neither the work yet the substance or Beschreibungdes work is published with his consent.
§ 14 disfigurement of WerkesDer author shall have the right to prohibit any distortion or any other mutilation of his work which is likely to jeopardize his legitimate intellectual or personal interests in the work.
§ 23 edits and transformations processing or other transformation end work may be published or exploited only with the consent of the originator of the processed or transformed work. If it is a film adaptation of the work to the implementation of plans and projects of a work of fine arts in order to demand the reproduction of a work of architecture or the adaptation or transformation of a database work already preparing the adaptation or transformation of the consent of author.
Source and further laws Excerpts: Copyright Act – Unofficial Contents
We ask comply with such laws, as they are legally provided with an asterisk.
NKB-Modding / Deere6800
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
How to install mods
Farming Simulator 2015 game is an agricultural game that gives you an opportunity to grow vegetables, take care of animals and buy or repair Cars, Combines, Tractors or other vehicles.
In FS 15 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from www.farming2015mods.com. Upload to your game folder. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.