Lakside V1.31 minor update. 954mb
This update fixes the tree issues that occurred in the map after 1.41 game update, adds a small placeable area at BHP01, animal description tweaks and lower cost prices for animals.
V1.31 end
Lakeside V1.3 dual maps soil mod ready.
Both SSS and HSS V1.3 maps run from one file set, 1 download, 1 zip both versions. 953mb zip package with English tutorial.
Update includes:
Mix Feeder mod removed at the request of the mod makers.
Please read at least the top section of the included english tutorial as it covers saving with the dual maps and mod conflict problems and the fix.
All trees have been deleted and re planted with more theme groups for better clip control in more areas, map looks a little different due to this and the 33m Pines have been replaced with taller 40m pines throughout the map.
The unloading silo triggers have been changed to work with mods with low fill triggers.
Detail work throughout the map.
Lake exit Changed.
New Farm Gates by FSModding use animation map triggers, Xbox360 controller buttons LB+B to operate. Collision comes on after first operation.
Farm layout changed.
RC-Devils Rabbits added with a modified layout with his permission.
Pet shop added for sale of Rabbits.
IFkonators bale to feed mod added with his permission. Bales can now also be tipped at the feed stores for manure, silage, hay and straw. The amount is added to storage instead of sold like at the barns.
Salad Factory and orchard pallet system fixed.
Bridges and castle ruin added from an earlier version of Farm simulator.
Enlarged Orchard Yard.
Windrow width narrowed.
Sorghum height increased.
All owned fields planted ready for harvest, potato’s, sorghum, rye and soybean.
Silage removed from manure sales ramp.
Compost_soil removed from the compost makers tip trigger.
Floating objects corrected around the map.
Grass foliage around the map touched up.
More scenery objects added around the main farm.
Starting equipment has changed slightly and includes a Capello maize header and a wind turbine.
A few gold coin challenge locations have had to change.
Map design and creation, Stevie, Custom models, textures and testing Luke_BK and Stevie. Installed mods and scripts by: Farmer_Andy, Marhu, RC_Devil, Robbie FS_UK, Eisbearg, Upsidedown, Decker_MMIV, tater salad, Ifkonator, FSModding, Kastor, Scott Mueller(Tutorial in english for starting a new version save and importing your old saves data) and Webalizer.
Dorset for some textures from his pack
Youtube video Jim Estep, Thanks Jim.
Thanks To Stuart(WONKO), Robbie and Viper278 for helping me out when I had issues.
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
How to install mods
Farming Simulator 2015 game is an agricultural game that gives you an opportunity to grow vegetables, take care of animals and buy or repair Cars, Combines, Tractors or other vehicles.
In FS 15 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from www.farming2015mods.com. Upload to your game folder. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.