Limburg Map V 1.0 Beta
Hello Everyone,
Here i present a new map. This map is based on en Limburg has nice surroundings.
There is a lot to do / find in the map.
This is a BETA version so there can be minor problems, but the map is tested in SP and MP.
If you find anything please let me know so i can adress this in the new version.
Please first read the DESCRIPTION !!
Warning !! ; If u use the ModPackage, what you need for all the extra stuff like sand, cement etc .. you will get warnings in your log.
This warnings Causing no problems! This are warnings for an extra crops did not are in the map.
What can you find in the map;
– Farm.
– Cows, Sheeps and Chickens.
– Pigs, calfs, Fattend Chicken and Lam.
– Village, fuel station, playground and a soccer field.
– Building site where you can sell your Cement.
– Cement factory where you can make your own Cement.
– Bakkery where you can make your own bread and sell it.
– Brewery where you can make your own beer and sell it at the Pub and AH Supermarket.
– You can buy sand to gravel for making cement.
– Garden center where you can sell Manure and you can buy your tree.
– Biogass.
– Vehicle store.
– Fish nursery where you can feed corn and make your own fish, you can sell the fish at the AH Supermarket.
– Sugarbeet Factory
– Country Trade, Here you can sell your normal crops, Sand, Gravel, Straw and Milk.
– Plain flour factory where you can buy several crops.
– Shell gas station where you can sell your gasoline.
– Wood and grain selling point.
Required mods,
download here for the mod package, unpack the zip after download
the mods have you required for the features for the map
GuelleMistKalkModPack_LS15: https://www.farming2015mods.com/farming-simulator-2015/packs/guellemistkalkmodpack-for-fs-2015/
Zunhammer water and milk tank: https://www.farming2015mods.com/farming-simulator-2015/trailers/zunhammer-water-u-milktrailer-fs-15-v-2-0-1/
Joskin Betimax RDS7500; https://www.farming2015mods.com/farming-simulator-2015/trailers/joskin-betimaxrds-7500-v4-trailer/
Krampe BBS900 BIG V 1.0: https://www.farming2015mods.com/farming-simulator-2015/trailers/krampebbs900_big-trailer-v-1-0/
UniversalProcessKit V 0.9.8: https://www.farming2015mods.com/farming-simulator-2015/other/universalprocesskit-v-0-9-8-fs-15/
for the “lamb” use this trailer: https://www.farming2015mods.com/farming-simulator-2015/trailers/obe-livestock-trailer-for-fs-15/
Multi Moving: https://www.farming2015mods.com/farming-simulator-2015/other/multimowing-v-3-1-fs-15/
Multi Fruit Mod: https://www.farming2015mods.com/farming-simulator-2015/other/multifruit-v-3-0-fs-2015/
ChoppedStraw V 15.0.03; https://www.farming2015mods.com/farming-simulator-2015/other/choppedstraw-v-15-0-03-fs-15/
I want to say Thanks to all modders, i used objects from and i use from buildings.
I hope i did not forget anybody otherwise i still want to say Thanks: because i’d appriate the work.
Map by: Mike
Giants Software, Grundscript von Marhu’s MischStation, Betonmischan Funktion V 1.0: The author models the fence and gates: Myjaki. Collected Mod for FS15: Alexx79. An interesting feature of concrete production, based on UniversalProcessKit: VAHA he also VAHHOB022, Animation Map Trigger: Script: Xentro,
Landhandel: Eifok-Team, alle Skripte durch Marhu, Mistzwischenlager: Germany Community Group by martinbigM500, NI Modding, Laufstall: TT-Modding,
Luxfarm, GuelleMistKalkModPack_LS15 TMT (Marhu, -Kolbenfresser-, Hatzfan), webalizer: ChopperStraw, GMK Mod lappyBauer, Fatian: Strassenset,
OEB Modding: enzosnext, Straße Textur: Niggels, Bemak
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
How to install mods
Farming Simulator 15 game is an agricultural game that gives you an opportunity to grow vegetables, take care of animals and buy or repair Cars, Combines, Tractors or other vehicles.
In FS 2015 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from www.farming2015mods.com. Upload to your game folder. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.