Mountain And Valley Map V 1.1
Here is our first custom map for the LS 15. The name of the card is due to the eye-catching terrain that demands so some machines a lot. A centrally located farm with many dugouts provides the optimal prerequisite for a successful agricultural enterprise. There are 27 fields with different size, and several hectares of meadows. Also several fattening facilities and a composting plant are installed. The friends of the forest are not forgotten. A sawmill and a Bio-HKW waiting to be fed with logs and wood chips.
-> Ready for GMK and Soil Mod
-> Water Mod
-> Chopped Straw Mod
-> Animation Map trigger installed at some gates
-> The barn must be cleaned out with a front loader!
– Built> Mast systems (pork, beef, broiler chicken, fattening sheep) and related cattle market
-> Mountainous and challenging landscape for vehicles
-> Many hectares of forest with thousands of trees for the Friends of the forest
Be> sawmill from the Two Rivers installed, prepared by the boards pallets –
-> All Standard Fruit installed. For wool to wool palette collectors
-> Milk itself can be managed for Milchwerk
Sales outlets:
-> Raiffeisen market (wheat, barley, canola, potatoes, corn, potatoes, sugar beets, grass, straw)
-> BayWa (wheat, barley, canola, potatoes, corn, potatoes, sugar beet)
-> Milchwerk (milk)
-> Fleischer (porker, Feeder Cattle, fattening sheep, broiler)
-> Weaving (wool)
-> Hardware (wool, boards)
-> Bahnhof (wood)
-> Sawmill / Bio-HKW (wood chips, wood processing into planks)
-> Cattle market (buying grass and straw; manure can be bought there in limited numbers!)
Required Mods:
or alternatively:
Warning: one of the two mods play (GMK or soil management)!
Additional Suggested mods:
The card may not be uploaded to other Modportalen without our permission!
It’s not allowed to upload this map on other mod sites without the approval of US!
For questions, suggestions / proposals for improvement or found errors, you are welcome to you in our Forum Report.
Holzi, Toffi(BigT)
BGA – Giants
diverse Gebäude und Dekoobjekte – Giants
Kirche – möchtegernbauer
Edeka – San_Andreas
Baumarkt – San_Andreas
Tankstelle -Hardstyler
Saegewerk aus Two Rivers – Festus, ElCid
Bullenstall – Mario
Hofgebäude – BernieSCS
Häuser -TracMax, Giants
ChoppedStraw: webalizer
Gülle/Kalk/Mistmod: TMT/Marhu
Wassermod – Marhu
FabrikScript – Marhu
WollpallettenSammler – Marhu
Schweine- und Rinderzucht – Marhu
Mastanlagen Pack – RC-Devil
Metzger – möchtegernbauer
Feldschilder -Fendtfan1
StraßenschilderPack V3.3 – Nick98.1
Sollten wir versehentlich jemanden vergessen haben, dann bitte kurz bei uns melden, und es wird natürlich nachgetragen!
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
How to install mods
Farming Simulator 2015 game is an agricultural game that gives you an opportunity to grow vegetables, take care of animals and buy or repair Cars, Combines, Tractors or other vehicles.
In FS 15 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from www.farming2015mods.com. Upload to your game folder. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.