Oberammergau Alps Map V 2.2
– Rectification of the error of the V1 version
– New garden center including outlets.
– Liquid manure lime Kompostmod installed
– Animated chickens now in broiler diets (thanks to Farmer_Andy for its use)
– Zugschrankenscript away (Without Script Doku no solution possible)
– Covers all fields again – now it should be no problems when scanning through Course Play
– No Faulty PDA view more
– Fixed Splineproblem Traffic moves in the right direction
– PDA field fixed 3 View error
– Compostverkauf away – Compost is now only to fertilize the fields
– Adapted garden center selling Trigger corn sales
– If you in your modfolder the GMK Mod inside you it has to be taken out, otherwise the compost does not incorporate
I would like to thank all of you for your active support in fault finding.
I would like to start times for all object modders thank Dehren objects I have installed in my map. Without your commitment, it would not be possible to build such maps. I tried to name all the modders in the credits. If I have forgotten anyone please write me via PM, of course I add you then added. The download has a size of 531MB incl. The mods. The .zip must not be unpacked. Whom the file is too big, please just do not load, you do not have that extra then mention in the clerk. I know this is pretty much … but that’s just sometimes:-)
Thank the map probably know from the LS13. I tried the the character is retained and still fulfill your wishes. The main courtyard is now no longer quite so tight.
The map is installed:
– Zugschrankenscript
– Woolpalettecollector
– Mixing Station
– Pig
– Cattle fattening
– Broiler (This must be fed on corn instead of potatoes / sugar)
– Liquid manure Kalkmod
– Sandmod
– Manual milk collection and sale
– Watermod
Main courtyard:
Here you will find numerous storage facilities, a new clamp silage, the mixing station, food storage for potatoes – beet – Grass – hay, silos for feed, gas stations and the cow pasture with ball bearings.
Broiler: breeding chickens (Trailer for pickup is purchasable under mods), manual removal of manure
Pig: pig breeding, manual removal of manure
Beef cattle: cattle breeding, manual removal of manure
Slaughterhouse: Sale of pork and beef
KFC: sale of chickens
Train: sale of fruits, sand stock
Sawmill: Sale of wood (sales trigger adapted for large-trailer)
Garden centers: purchase of grain, grass sale, purchase of eggs
Dairy: Sales of milk
Bioenergy: sale of manure, manure, hay, straw, grass
Spinning: Sale of Wool
Windmill: Sale of fruits
BGA: Self-explanatory:-)
Your needs a sales trailer for milk and the ChoppedStraw Mod
I wish you much fun with the map … and have a look but the videos are still set here.
Support me as always in our forum at Qualitätsmods
Greeting your Nubsi
Nubsi, Marhu, Skydancer, LS Agricultural Engineering, Alex2009, Blacky_BPG, Farmi ©, Steffen30muc, graphic-computer, Sven777b, mailman, ELMO upside down, TMT, Baden Bauer, power74de, Repin, Farmer_Andy, DeerePower, Timber131
the whole QualitaetsModsTeam and a special thanks to the members of our forum Case844 and who have actively supported me with bug fixes and objective criticism
How to install mods
Farming Simulator 15 game is an agricultural game that gives you an opportunity to grow vegetables, take care of animals and buy or repair Cars, Combines, Tractors or other vehicles.
In FS 2015 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from www.farming2015mods.com. Upload to your game folder. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.