Old Times Map 6.5 FS 2015
This is a small German 60s-70s themed map. It features small and medium fields and is geared twoards classic,older or smaller machines in specific.
The map features cows, sheep, chickens and all basic crops. It also contains a forest should you decide to try some forestry.
Version 6.5 features new crop textures and fixed trees (no more misaligned leaf textures).
Should you wish to reupload to a different website, you are free to do so with the following restrictions:
– Retain the description so people will know what the map is about and what has changed since the last version.
– List all authors, credits where they are due.
– Do NOT upload to a paid site (NO adfly etc). Don’t be a thief, let’s keep out hobby free for all.
Layers – Treckerjack_TJ1 & El_Cid
Garage – ziolek6
Fachwerkscheune – RAUSCHEBART
Alter Zaun – martinbigM500
Barn – ziolek6
Kuhstall – ziolek6
Kuhstall2 – Cayman
Stodola – Kosa
Steinbrücke – LU-herzberg
Gebäude Magazin – marjas31
Altes Landhaus – spider100
Old models – thecsfun
Hafenmauer – MThis
Milchannahme – GE-Mapping
Milchsammelstelle – firststep
Vanilleeis – Lowpoly-Bäume
Eifok Landhandel – cyber11
Alter Klinkerstall – Kolbenfresser
Heuhaufen – unbekannt
Misthaufenset – M-S_Buschi
Fixed trees, new crop textures – Ada85&Eribus
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
How to install mods
Farming Simulator 2015 game is an agricultural game that gives you an opportunity to grow vegetables, take care of animals and buy or repair Cars, Combines, Tractors or other vehicles.
In FS 15 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from www.farming2015mods.com. Upload to your game folder. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.