V1.81 MF fixes 478mb zip, Ringwoods Map Update, Multiplayer YES. Map optimised via a second GE pass to reduce size.
Ringwoods 1.81MF is log error free .
Important Change: You need to unzip the main file and you will have RingwoodsV18MFupdate and 9 other zip files plus a short notepad readme. PLACE ALL ZIP FILES in your mod folder. The included AnimationMapTrigger has the functions for the Gates, Roof and Doors to the new chicken fattening shed at the North Farm.
Ringwoods loads error free for thousands of users:
IF Ringwoods Fails to load it will be due to a MOD Conflict/limit in your current MOD folder.
Try This: Rename your current MOD Folder to say mods3. Create a new mod folder named mods, place just the 10 Ringwoods zip files into it and load the game, select the map and see if it loads, It should. If it does load slowly bring in your mods from the folder you renamed and keep testing until Ringwoods fails to load again, Now Remove the conflicting mod/mods from the folder.
Starting equipment is better than basic and worth +999k if sold towards mods.
It would be a great help to others If you could comment on how this map performs with your PC system specs. This plays perfectly on our systems with settings set to HIGH and 2xAS , 2xAA enabled. Win7 64bit, 8gb Ram, Xeon quad core CPU’s and Geforce 670 MSI graphics cards.
For players new to Ringwoods the map was based on the original Westbridge map, it has a huge surrounding natural forestry trail which rings the full map on it’s pushed back boundarys without sacrificing any field space. To say a few trees are pre-planted is an understatment and it’s a fun place to take a break from farming with an off road pickup. Field layouts have been changed from the Westbridge original map to make a better operating environment. There are 3 large farms, Multiple ways to make money and places to sell. 3 sawmills and a main mill with Marhu’s sawmill at it’s center. Animal fattening pigs, beef and chickens, Compost factory, Farmer_Andy’s new salad factory, 4 fenced empty flat areas for placeable mods, a wool pallet collector and more. The trees have had photoshop work and so have most of the textures in the map making it a beautiful place to farm in.
Mods you will need:
Animal transport trailer like Marhu’s Joskin Betimax RDS7500, A multi trailer and shovel that can transport and tip compost, A multi tanker like Farmer_Andy’s Kotte Garant that can transport and fill water, fuel, fertilizer and liquid manure.
Thanks to all that pointed out small issues for me to fix or change ready for this update, they have all been addresed. I’m 1 guy and I make mistakes but I fix them fast if I’m made aware.
Fixes for V1.81
Although the V1.81fix looks the same as 1.8 appart from the new fencing 2 good performance gains were had by removing the recieve shadow map from the 1000+ trees. Cast shadow is still active and so is collision annd the visual impact is minimal. The old fencing was replaced and also cast and recieve shadows is now off as it was a gain that had minimal impact visually and a good gain to be had. The new fencing also blends better with the map.
The texture was fixed for all the buildings that used the Hangar diffuse.. Various other reported minor issues have also been fixed.
New For V18MF
This can be considered as the final version of the Ringwoods map although it will be maintained with future updates where needed.
Field 11 area change presents a nice large square field now.
After the field 11 area change a new area was created for th flourmill and it’s tip point.
Fields 14 and 15 were flipped and resized which now presents field 15 as the second largest field in the game. Fields 14 and 15 are split by a ploughable grass lane which if joined would create the largest field on the map. Roads and gated entrances were adjusted around this area.
The Southfarm has layout has been finished and includes a flat placeable area.
The Northfarm layout has also been finished and now includes a small pond near the barn where you can back a water tanker in and fill like at the main farm.
Silo’s have all been updated with new signs and digital amount readouts.
Tree collision is back on for all trees now.
Ringwoods Mutifruit, now when I first implemented this I hated the way it looked and spoilt the map with it’s darker soil drawdistance layer so I set about changing it, you will see what I mean.
Next came embedded fill plains and particles from the loading, unloading and fuit in trailers so all the fruits are correct and I did the compost soil as well so all trilers will so the correct load.
The woods have increased tree density and have had more texture and ground work.
The Cow Navmesh is fixed at the feeding trophs in the cowzone. Cows will no longer stand in the trophs or do handstands trying to get to the feed.
Prices for pallet boards have been slightly decreased.
A new Spinnery tip point has been added for the sale of cotton.
Other tip points and sale points have had the new fruits added where needed.
The garden centers yard has need enlarged near the compost sale point
Chopped Straw is added to the map.
Some of the auto gates have been adjusted where they hit the ground.
Some of the fencing has been adjusted where it looked wrong.
They PDA is adjusted, correct and the map is upto date with the new areas.
Much more but you’ll not notice and over the weeks I’ve forgot.
Special thanks to bassaddict and Robbie for helping me out with my multifruit issues the other night on FS-UK.
Thanks to upsidedown, Farmer_Andy and Marhu for creating simple easy to install and use scripts and mods for us to enjoy.
Original by Giant’s, Models and scripts by Marhu, Farmer_Andy, Wizznall, Upsidedown, Nils, Luke_BK , Perfect08 and JHML. Mod Map by Stevie.
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
How to install mods
Farming Simulator 2015 game is an agricultural game that gives you an opportunity to grow vegetables, take care of animals and buy or repair Cars, Combines, Tractors or other vehicles.
In FS 15 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from www.farming2015mods.com. Upload to your game folder. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.