Ringwoods V3 dual maps update.
695MB zip package.
Start a new game, DO NOT try to use an old gamesave with this new version you will have problems that I won’t support.
Unzip the package and place all of the files into your mod folder.
Ringwoods has a unique multifruit config file and it must be used or you will have problems with AI workers and fruit handling. This new file also works with Lakeside, Michigan and Black Rock Valley.
Update Information.
Dual map packaged SSS and HSS versions in one file set and an English mini tutorial.
Soilmod Added.
Compost_soil swapped to compost and made spreadable in the map.
V1.41 BGA added with my new V3 all in one sunken tip point exclusive to this map first.
Soilmod Tanks added to the main farm.
Mips added to every map texture no more sparkling textures in Ringwoods.
Modular storage from Lakeside updated and added to all 3 farms in Ringwoods.
Layout changes to the north and south farm yards.
Windrow added for oat and soybean.
Windrow heights adjusted.
Fruit farm added.
New salad factory with lettuce, red cabbage and cauliflower greenhouses.
Free range chicken zone.
New field layouts with larger field end turning areas on the larger fields.
Distance Hill Added.
Field edges cleaned up.
New tree textures.
Old road textures removed and just gravel and asphalt used.
New updated PDA map.
New pallet movers added including the sheep zone with auto sell point at the ends.
All town sidewalks cleaned up, dirt and debris removed.
Extra embedded fill planes and unloading particles now included for manure, compost and more.
Multifruit file updated all standard vehicles, cutters, seeders and trailers work with everything in the map. Balers and forage wagons will work with the new windrows.
Bale to store by Ifkonator added to straw, grass, silage and manure storage.
Texture work and hundreds of small fixes done all around the map.
Sales triggers updated.
Other Features.
Millions to be made in forestry on the pre planted full boundary forestry trails.
Multifruit, cotton, sorghum, soybean, soybean windrow, oat, oat windrow and sunflowers.
3 placeable fenced areas. 4 sawmills 3 on the boundary with log sell points and wood chip sell points, MH timber at the station with the Sageworx sawmill by Marhu with modified unloading deck and train send off with bonus.
3 Farms.
Seedmaster machine.
MilkMax Machine.
Milk Sales.
BeetMaster Machine.
Compost Master machine.
PigForage Machine.
Potato Washer.
Potato Steamer.
Water Mod.
Chopped Straw Mod.
Embedded particles and fill planes for all fruit now special modded vehicles required.
Auto egg collection on the main farm.
Tested with soil mod and course play and dedicated servers.
5 Animal Fattening mast’s and much more.
This map was designed to play on our systems and it does perfectly as intended with no log errors. However Ringwoods has twice the amount of objects in the map than any of my other maps and over 4 times the amount of the standard WestBridge map. I understand that not everyone will be able to play this map even the SSS version requires a good PC system to run a playable frame rate especially when the map is running at full tilt and you have AI drivers working as well. Things that may help you with frame rate, cut down trees, use less AI, have less mods in the map or spread them out, have less installed mods running at the same time in the map example just one salad greenhouse for instance instead of all 3. It’s not ideal but like I said this was always designed to run on our systems.
Original map design by Giants, Modified by Stevie, Custom models, textures and testing Luke_BK and Stevie. Installed mods and scripts by: Farmer_Andy, Marhu, RC_Devil, Eisbearg, Upsidedown, Decker_MMIV, tater salad, Ifkonator, Kastor and Webalizer.
Hours spent on this update over 200.
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
How to install mods
Farming Simulator 2015 game is an agricultural game that gives you an opportunity to grow vegetables, take care of animals and buy or repair Cars, Combines, Tractors or other vehicles.
In FS 15 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from www.farming2015mods.com. Upload to your game folder. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.