Stappenbach V 1.0 FS15 Map
You are searching a map which will cast a spell over you? Then you are right.
With “Stappenbach” you will get an absolutely fascinating game experience!
Realistic, extensively, varied and a 1:1 rebuild of a realistic village in Oberfranken in Germany.
Enjoy the magnificent landscrape in low mountain range, which the river “Ebrach” is crossing and rejoice in the numerous features given by this map.
Regardless of what you want to to, whether you want to invest in the great economy around the grassland, whether you want to concentrate on acriculture on the undulating landscape with small to middle sized fields, or flex one’s muscles in the big and realastic forests. The unique, complex modeled and detailed builded landscape in “Stappenbach” will elate you!
At the beginning a small farm which is getting a bit long in the tooth is available for you. Both old and new farms are original rebuilded by the typical style of Upper Franconia. Work hard, invest clever and operate economically to get bigger farms at the outskirds of town, to get one of more available biogas plants or to acquire the big sawmill.
Today, the map has been built over 17 months. In the following you get in a short way all facts:
1. Dates and facts
2. Version
3. Required mods
4. Recommended mods
5. FAQ
6. Planned changes in next versions
1.) Dates and facts
– 1:1 rebuild
– original elevation model
– 2 villages
– Arround 150 fields
– Arround 80 grasslands
– Detailed landscape
– And much more!
2.) Version
You have the option to choose between 2 different verisons of the map.
One version was created with the GMK Mod, the other version is with the Soil Mod.
Apart from that there are no differences between both versions.
3.) Required mods
4.) Recommended mods
5.) FAQ
If you have any questions about the map, or you have found a bug, you have to go to our website and look into the forum section. There you can find support!
6.) Planed changes in next versions
– Bugfixes
– completely signposting
– Buyable forests
– Pedestrian and traffic
– Storage places for fertilizer and seeds
– …
Wir danken allen am Bau beteiligten Personen! Vor allem dem ganzen Agrarteam Franken, welches über Monate hinweg beim Fehlersuchen, Vorbereitungen, Ideen und Texturarbeiten, sowie allen sonstigen anfallenden Arbeiten geholfen hat.
Insbesondere geht unser Dank an Luan von TSL-Modding für den Umbau der Ställe und sonstigen Scriptarbeiten. Ein weiterer Dank geht an Marhu, der uns bei Fragen jederzeit zur Verfügung stand.
An alle Erbauer der verbauten Objekte!
Ein weiteres riesiges DANKESCHÖN ergeht an folgende Modder, die mit ihrem Einsatz den Landwirtschafts-Simulator ungemein bereichern und deren Objekte wir verbauen durften:
“AGI” (Maibaum)
“Basti” (kl. Körnergebläse, Mauern)
“Blacky_BPG, Oekobauer” (GasStationExtended)
“blubber73” (Deckoschilder Wald)
“Bluebaby210” (BuyableObjects, MixFeeder)
“CebuljCek” (Altes Hofgebäude)
“Edel_van_B” (Höhenmodell)
“EIFOK” (Landhandel)
“El_Cid” (Div. Gebäude, Foliages, Hofgebäude, Kapelle)
“El_Cid, Marhu” (Sägewerk)
“Farmer_Andy” (CompostMaster, Güllebomber)
“Fatian, Niggels” (Straßenpaket)
“Foxx” (Getreidesumpf)
“FS-UK” (SoilManagement)
“GIANTS” (Div. Objekte, Grundfunktionen)
“Katsuo” (Schweinestall, Fachwerkscheune)
“Marhu” (DamageMod, FabrikScript, FarmSiloSystem, GMK Mod, Schweinezucht, Viehmarkt, WaterMod)
“martinbigM500” (BGA & Gülleanlage)
“Matti” (Güllebecken)
“Mobbingpapst” (Feldrandgras)
“mor2000” (UPK)
“Mythic” (Halle Händler/Metzgerei)
“Nick98.1” (Schilderset)
“Niggels” (Hochstand)
“NKB Modding” (Agravis Silos)
“Stefan Maurus” (Brücken)
“stefan_ls” (Grabsteine, Mistplane)
“Steffen30muc” (Div. Hallen, Traunsteiner Silos)
“upsidedown” (Multifruit)
“VertexDezign” (AnimationMapTrigger, HardPointExtension)
“vnsfdg1” (Großes Farmsilo, gr. Körnergebläse)
“webalizer_ls” (ChoppedStraw)
“wellano920” (Sportplatz)
Bei allen weiteren verbauten Objekten sind uns leider die Urmodder nicht bekannt. Da wir aber alle Modder für ihre Arbeiten respektieren, würden wir uns freuen, wenn sie sich auf der Karte bei ihren Objekten wiederfinden und sich kurz bei uns melden. Der Modder wird selbstverständlich (wenn gewünscht) umgehend nachgetragen. Wir bitten um euer Verständnis!
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
How to install mods
Farming Simulator 2015 game is an agricultural game that gives you an opportunity to grow vegetables, take care of animals and buy or repair Cars, Combines, Tractors or other vehicles.
In FS 15 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from www.farming2015mods.com. Upload to your game folder. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.