Suedhemmern Map V6.0 beta for FS 2015
Outlets for straw / hay / grass at Landi, country store eimo at high prices (for players who need quick money). Who does not like it, do not sell them.
There are several barns on the map that the ship unloaded grass / hay / straw into the camp of the cow pasture (even at the eimo AG):
The unloading of the hamlet and the cow pasture ship the fruit in the respective Hofsilos.
On the Map manure storage and manure piles are installed, may be exposed to liquid and solid manure taken to spending on the fields. The level is shown on the digital display. To fill the dung heap in front of the Kuhmisthaufen the cow pasture a CRAP BEAMER. If there is tipped with a wheel loader crap, he lander on the various Mista hooves.
To fill up the manure storage is available at the cow pasture and on both a BGA MANURE BEAMER. If there slurry is delivered, it ends up in manure storage and can be anywhere on the map again be removed.
Fabrica debeton GE =catfishsteve,vaha
Fabrica deciment GE=catfishsteve,vaha
Hühnermast = Farmer_Andy
Rübenschneider = Marhu, Funky
multiFruitModul = upsidedown
Zaun = Fendtfan1
Hotel = BobMaster 66
Schwäbisches Bauernhaus =KundS-Modding
Holzsilos = vanillaice83
BayWaHändler = KundSmodding
Gartenzaun = Trixi
Traktorhalle = Richi*3
Mauern = Diops33
Wohnhaus = Richi*3
Maschendrahtzaun = GE-Mapping
Eckscheune = Richi*3
Windmühle = Spider 100
Durchfahrtscheune = Richi*3
Gehwegeset = Frank Wienberg
Schilderpack = Nick 98.1
Fachwerkscheune = Rauschebart
Schilderset = Hirntot 2.0
Straßenbaukasten = atze1978
Schweinezucht = Marhu
Gate mit Mauern = Cosmin 123
MapSiloBand = Marhu
Straßenset = Goodgod
WasserMod = Marhu
Industrieanlage = LWS Terminator
Metzgerei = SLJ Agrar
Brauerei = GE Mapping
Steinplatten Set = The Agraama
Pferdehof = Aerocool1
Leitplankenset = LS Landtechnik
Brennerei = Landei
Binnenschiff = Himmi
Edeka = Mark 44
Leitpfahl = Basti66
Sky = Kieler 81
Rolltor = GE-Mapping (?)
Strommasten = MartinBigM 500
Landhandel = Papa
Stromset = kann ich nicht mehr finden
Weidentore = Weltbauer
Weidenzaun = Weltbauer
Futterlager = Frisco0177
Brücken = Mach1-Andy
Rindermast = Marhu
Wollpalettensammler = Marhu
Bäckerei = GE Mapping
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
How to install mods
Farming Simulator 15 game is an agricultural game that gives you an opportunity to grow vegetables, take care of animals and buy or repair Cars, Combines, Tractors or other vehicles.
In FS 2015 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from www.farming2015mods.com. Upload to your game folder. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.