This is a full size map including Cows, Sheep, Chickens, Beef, BioGas and Arable/Cropping.
The map is styled off the New Zealand country side and you will see allot of NZ features in the map.
Its been built to suit my liking and my style of map, it may confuse some of you so don’t hesitate to PM me regarding how I play the map (how it’s built to be played)
This is going to be a rather diffuclt map to get around for some of you, it has some steepish hills (nothing like Mahoe :P) and soome difficult tracks and river crossings thanks to the mud mod.
You may need to tow chain but all and all I think it’s at a realistic standard for me here in NZ.
These lots of cropping land near the cropping/ contacting yard then the rest of the map is pure grassland, if you want to put extra crops in plow the grass land up.
Beef is in the map it’s located around the bottom left of the map. all the triggers are situated around the cattle yards. (see PDF or video) Beef is intended to be brought at the Dairy Farm and not through the shop menu.
Also just a note that you will need to trailer that accepts Young Beef (see recommended mods)
The sheep are pretty well stock standard with one feed trigger out in the paddock and the wool pallet spawn at the woolshed door (see PDF or video)
The dairy cows are altered slightly, you will need to clean out the manure form the solids trap at the end of the feedpad. manure can be stored in the bunker, the straw trigger is the size of the feedpad and is recomeneded that you use the feedbales mod(see PDF or Video)
For a list of the mods in the map please read down below and once again be sure to watch the release tour for all info on the map
Standard sell triggers plus Marhu’s sawmill is impletmented.
Standard crops plus clover and lucerne
MapBGASilo: For help in regards to using this mod please go to page 9 in the readme file above.
The following mods have been added into the map:
-Dorset’s Big and Bold Foliage Pack (Partial) Dorset
-Multi Angle Terrian Detail Mod Petorious
-Soil Management Mod Decker_MMIV
-Paintable Trees NI Modding
-Animation Map Trigger Vertex Design
-Beef mod MFG Mannie313 Plus gnftr04 for his custom textures
-Hardpoint Xentro
-Gas Station Trigger Extended Blacky_BPG / tobiasgo
-Sawmill Festus
-Potato Washer Farmer Andy
-Multifruit Lucerne and Clover Upsidedown
-MapBGA Silo A few of these bunkers around, this script enhances everything to do with silage!
Map work – Myself Smith97 Dylan Noid Mattneg Sadler02 Base Map – Robbie (Robbie’s map was base for poplar valley which was the base for this map) Map Objects – Myself Smith97 RJWillson99 Dorest Fatian Andrei Valentin Petorious Decker_MMIV VertexDezign SandGroper Chris 7710 NI Modding SteveC Sean6920s BulletBill83 Jdeereboy14 GIANTS Ifan Javier007 MFG Mannie313 Igor29381, S.W.I.K gnftr04 Neurotek Marhu FendtFan1 tobiasgo Blacky_BPG Farmer Andy LJW modding coufy ElCid Festus
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
How to install mods
Farming Simulator 2015 game is an agricultural game that gives you an opportunity to grow vegetables, take care of animals and buy or repair Cars, Combines, Tractors or other vehicles.
In FS 15 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from www.farming2015mods.com. Upload to your game folder. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.