I have Always Liked Volksholm(peoplesholm) map But Never Liked the locations of pig & beef barns either off the hill or behind farm In another field so I desided after I got a map issue that was the great time to fix it so I bring revision one of the second edition
I have reloacted both pig & beef barns to the main farm and turned old location into a asphalt lot for placeable buildings or GE Building Installs the picture with the six lumber mills is the old lot the mills are not part of map the lot is empty iv just got my lot setup for the lumber mill In the proccess of moving barns I have relocated the sugar beet,potato & Wood chip shed to top of hill at old career start point the new start point is located in a more central location between silage silo and the new 6 bay garage I added I have also relocated the vehicle reset load poit to between the silage silo and garage as well the lime silo got relocated to between the grain silos and the grass,siage & straw shed and the fertilizer shed has been relocated to just past the milk loading point to make room I had to move silage silo towards the milk loading poit a little give plenty of room exiting the pig barn
I have asphalted the road to old barn lot and asphalted all around the grain silo’s and have removed some and rolacted some fence in process
Modding Done In Revision 2
Fixed Lights Issue With The garage where headlights, flashlight would go off anywhere close to garage
Fenced And Gated The Old Area where Beef & Pig barns was
Added Gates To Sheep and Dairy cattle lots for access to lot both gates are in corners of tot down at the manure starage tank end
Fixed Gates At Munure Storage lot they was installed wrong also moved them slightly to make more straight shot coming into storage area to offload manure
Fixed A few Fence Isssue’s
Moved Wool Palette Spawner Closer to barn And Increased the Wool Palette Collector pad by one row 5 palette’s
Replacing Map Info
Replacing Map Of Volksholm Second Edition With Revision 2 You Should Be Able To Just Delete Second Edition And Replace Map With Second Edition Revision 2 And Still Keep Game Save I Kept Folders Same Name So it Would Not Show As New Map And Have To Start New Game However Some Folage Around Manure Storage Has Been Removed but Will Still Show Up In the Road Going Into The Manure Storage Lot This Is Because Folage Is Saved In Game Save And The Only Way To Get Rid Of The Folage In Game Is To Start A New Game This However Has No Effect On Game Play its Just To Let You know Why Grass Is In Dirt Road Some But To Me Its More Realistic that Way Anyway Cause I Dont Know Of A Farm That The Dirt Roads Are Perfectly Clear Of Grass
FYI For ease of swap I would go into map before swap and make sure all vehicles parked under sheds between dairy barn and hay, straw, Silage shed have been moved clear of area otherwise you will have a lot of vehicles to reset out of beef & pig barns once map swap have been made
Replacing Map Into End This Area has nothing to do with A new game only Volkholm SE users swapping to Revision V2
RC-Devil: DüngerFabrik/Lager, Kompost Textur
Marhu: Watermod, Milchtrigger. Mapsiloband, Stutzen, Woolpalettcollector
Marhu u. Mannie313: Mastanlagen GMK Mod
Marhu Funky: Rübenschneider
Marhu, weisser: Seed2Fix
Andy1978 und Marhu: Seedmaster
Farmer_Andy: Kompostwerk, Güllelager, Rübenschnitzler und Hühnermast
upsidedown : Multifruid Mod, Unkrautmod
1LS12: Unterstand
Mariodiek: Förderband Holzschnitzel, Lagerhalle
webalizer_ls: ChoppedStraw
Lars: Regal
ZeFir_POLAND: Bodentextur
Eribus: Forgotten Plants Landscape Texture V1.0, Fruchttexturen
Leos50: Förderbänder
Blacky_BPG, Nils23, weisser, lappyBauer, dtmaster: DigitalDisplay
bgo1973: Klee Luzerne
Eisbearg: Gitterbox Eier
Inerti: DustMod
Blacky_BPG und HappyLooser: DisplayOverview
Geneborg: Texturen: Gülle Mist Kalk – Sonnenblumen, Klee Luzerne
Joerg_B: Große Halle
TyphoOn: BGA für Kleinbetriebe
Sollte ich jemanden vergessen haben, unbedingt eine Info an mich!!
Thunderhawk09 Beef & Pig Barn Relocation
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
How to install mods
Farming Simulator 2015 game is an agricultural game that gives you an opportunity to grow vegetables, take care of animals and buy or repair Cars, Combines, Tractors or other vehicles.
In FS 15 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from www.farming2015mods.com. Upload to your game folder. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.

Finding a game interesting after investing 300 hours into it can become a bit challenging. But with mods as long as there is a new update is assured, you are guaranteed a few more hours of new exciting gameplay. FS 15 Maps Mods are one of the greatest upgrades and can make your game unique. Downloading and adding VOLKSHOLM SECOND EDITION REVISION MAP V2 Mod to your game is not difficult at all - you simply need to save a file and run it.