Westbridge Forest MAP V 3.0
This is my edit of Westbridge Hills, I have added the lumber mill and a forest tree and extra’s. Added Lumber train and grain train. I have deleted some fields and reshaped some fields. I have added a feedstock with conveyers to the cow area and added water mod for cows, sheep, and chicken. Removed some building and added some. the pda HAS BEEN adapted to suit ..
I have run it without error for several days in single player and tested with 2 other people for over 5 hours in multi player and nobody has had problems. This map is error free and runs smoothly at 50 to 60 fps
2.1 change’s, fixed woodchip conveyor and floating objects, added wool pallet collector.
Keep your log clean.
Version 3.0
This is my edit of Westbridge Hills, I have added the lumber mill and a forest tree and extra’s. Added Lumber train and grain train. I have deleted some fields and reshaped some fields. I have added a feed stock with conveyors to the cow area and added water mod for cows, sheep, and chickens. Removed some buildings and added some. the pda has been altered to suit .. I have run it without error for several days and have found no problems. Moved cow zone added digital display for silo’s and futterlager, new conveyors including manure, added silage pit at cow zone, added mixing station, now has pigs and beef also slaughter house. manure and slurry sales. Wool pallet collector much much more, you will have to see. ;) UPDATE V3 Fixed j,k,n,m problem for some people, map works error free single and multi. Added manure, slurry and lime mod, added some more deco objects. Compatable with both version 2 and 2.1, just change the zip name of this version to use your old save version name. 2.1 update fixed woodchip conveyor, floating objects, tree’s, straw, road etc. Needed mods to make everything work. Manure, Slurry and lime mod, must be in mods folder to work on map For selling pigs and beef Slurry Tanker for selling slurry.
Thanks to Giants.
Mahru for the watermod
Mahru and Leos50 for conveyers
Futterlager by JohnDeere1952
And all modders out there.
How to install mods
In Farming Simulator 15 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from www.farming2015mods.com. Upload to your game folder. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.