Westbridge Hills V 4.0.4 Map FS15
This is an edited version of Westbridge Hills. Some things have been moved, more objects have been added and a few areas opened up. Took A few mods and installed them via Giants Editor such as:
Mixing Station V3.0.0 By Marhu.
Westbridge Storage Addon By skjatala.
2 Mixing Stations. The Mixing Stations are located in the cow zone.
Westbridge Storage Addon.
Again those 2 mods are built in to the map and are NOT needed!
Moved chicken coop area by sheep zone.
Added 2 Bale Storage areas lined up next to the cows shelter.
Slurry and Manure sell point (located at Biogas Plant).
Enlarged Some sheds to make them taller for equipment.
Added extra sheds in the North Eastern, Western, Southern fields and one additional in main farm area.
New textures for fields, crops and grass.
Removed drive in theater area. Area can be used to place Greenhouses and or Beehouses.
Resized fields 10 and 17.
Redesigned the cows area.
Replace logFountains with water pump stations by skeleton.
Kotte Universal V1.52 By Andy1978.
Krampe 900 S V1.5 By McKnight.
These mods are optional and are not required to use this map mod, however in order to sell slurry and manure you will need modded trailers to trasport manure/ unload slurry. Again no such mods are required however you will NOT be able to sell Manure or Slurry.
A .txt doc is in with the mod explaining how to change the viewdistance.
A .txt doc is in with the mod explaining how to create a pda_map.dds.
Change Log V4.0.4
Recreated Cow zone.
Moved the storage addon.
Moved mixing stations.
Moved bale storage and reduced the number by 2.
Moved / recreated Biogasplant area to combine the slurry and manure sell points.
Changed the water points to be more relistic.
Many other cosmetic changes.
View the pictures for a visual understanding as to what was moved and where, the placement of the 3 mods, including areas that have been opend up.
Designed: Giants Software
Credits from other mods: Marhu, skjatala, skeleton
Edited: McKnight
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
How to install mods
Farming Simulator 2015 game is an agricultural game that gives you an opportunity to grow vegetables, take care of animals and buy or repair Cars, Combines, Tractors or other vehicles.
In FS 15 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from www.farming2015mods.com. Upload to your game folder. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.