I’d like to introduce you to two (perhaps better)
map for FS 2015 from Agrar Czech modding team Map
ZD Nová Ves is larger map containing medium and large fields.
On the map are two villages (Ves, Polypsy)
There is a main road, minor asphalt road and a lot of field trips.
The map also placed water features and a train.
There is areal ZD Nova Ves,
area of livestock production, the complex sale and purchase of agricultural machinery, butcher (slaughterhouses)
purchase of wool and straw, farm gate milk purchase eggs ransom crops, forestry area, the area saw a redemption logs and complex BGA.
The map is also plenty of room for planting forests and thus are discarded and miners. map includes: basic + sunflower crops, oats, rye, clover area animal: cows, sheep, chickens, calves, pigs
Mod: Gulle mod, chopped straw, Wasser mod option of logging
patch: 1.4.2
AgrarCzech modding team
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
How to install mods
Farming Simulator 2015 game is an agricultural game that gives you an opportunity to grow vegetables, take care of animals and buy or repair Cars, Combines, Tractors or other vehicles.
In FS 15 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from www.farming2015mods.com. Upload to your game folder. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.