Manure Heap V 2.0 for FS 2015
Since there is still no dunghill in LS15 which runs on standard scripts I thought I replace the standard dunghill of Giants. Among the features of the LS13 now came a level indicator added in the Help window. It has all the original features of the standard dunghill. Add to Download PDF manual is included, here the installation was explained in detail with pictures. The download is a 2048 × 2048 texture is because I like to have sharp textures in the LS. Somebody should rather have blurry textures like the texture it can scale smaller.
Advanced Features:
Original features such as dung heap
LS 15 version of the well-known from the dunghill LS13
Price: – LS €
Upkeep: – LS €
Volume: 100,000 liters
Polys: 1.3k polygons
Items in i3d: 6
Files in archive: 6
File size: 2.32 MB
Text for:
1x dunghill Diffuse: 2048 × 42048
1x ManureDiffuse: 512 × 512
Modell: Fendtfan1
Textur: Fendtfan1
Ingame: Fendtfan1
How to install mods
In Farming Simulator 15 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from www.farming2015mods.com. Upload to your game folder. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.