Add New Ball Types For Presses V 1.5 Script
Hi @ all,
Today I can tell you at last officially offer my ‘addBaleTypes.zip’ for DL.
What makes this zip?
Basically you Join new ball types for presses. It also adds the needed fillTypes added the presses, so they do not need to be adjusted manually. If one fillType not be registered but, let’s take for example, ‘Alfalfa’, then the corresponding bale is not registered and the fillType is not added to the presses. Power yes no sense ..: D
One can make in the zip modDesc some settings, thus you do not have to modify the script.
What can I customize everything in the modDesc?
In the modDesc you will find a large master parameters ‘addBaleTypes’. Everything in there is called and processed by the addBaleTypes.lua.
First parameter is:
allowDebugPrint = “false”
If this value is set to ‘true’, then some more of the script are written to the log. I only needed for testing, but who wants to try it, it is simply set to ‘true’ and look in the log. Even after purchasing a press.
Second parameter is:
allowOverrideOriginalStrawBales = “true”
If this value is set to ‘true’, the path of straw square bales:
‘Data / maps / models / objects / square bales / baleStraw240.i3d’
this replaces:
‘Bales / square bales / baleStraw240.i3d’
and the path for Strohrunballen:
‘Data / maps / models / objects / round bales / roundbaleStraw_w112_d130.i3d’
with this:
‘Bales / round bales / roundbaleStraw_w112_d130.i3d’
If it is set to false, the opposite is the case. Basically, this changes only the texture of straw bales, no more. Can set himself, which he liked better. My (‘true’) or the standard (‘false’).
If you use the ‘baleExtension’ Mod of Upside Down, then the path of grass round bales:
‘Bales / round bales / roundbaleGras_w112_d130.i3d’
replaced with the path of grass round bales of baleExtension mods. Then get out of the grass round bales from baleExtension Mod in alfalfa and clover.
Then we come to the parameters:
windrowsAddToBalers = “grass alfalfa clover oat rye triticale spelled millet”
Here the fillTypes be set to add to the presses. The ‘_windrow’ you can save, the script makes itself. (Schreibfaul ..: D)
Then we come to the heart of the matrimonial script.
<AddBaleType filename = “bales / round bales / roundbaleGrass_w112_d130.i3d” windrow = “grass” isRoundbale = “true” width = “1.12” diameter = “1.3” />
This is a registry entry for round bales. In ‘filename’ can adjust the path. In ‘windrow’ the associated swath. Again, the script carries the ‘_windrow’ back to itself. ‘IsRoundbale’ is set to ‘true’. This tells the script whether it’s a round ball, or not. ‘Width’ and ‘diameter’ specify the size of the bale. These values ??are interesting for Bail collecting wagon and winder. If bales are used, which are as large as the standard, then the values ??already match.
<AddBaleType filename = “bales / square bales / baleGrass240.i3d” windrow = “grass” isRoundbale = “false” width = “1.2” height = “0.9” length = “2.4” />
This is a registry entry for square bales. Resembles for round bales very, but there are small differences. ‘IsRoundbale’ is here to ‘false’. Should extent be logical. The size values ??here falls the parameter ‘diameter’ away. But it is worth ‘height’ and ‘length’ added. Otherwise the same applies as for the Runballen.
All bales are picked up by the standard Bail collecting wagon. Even my Fliegl DPW 180 Pack, Link:
Fliegl DPW 180 Pack with automatic charging function
copes with it. For others, I can give no guarantee. The winder taking the round bales of grass and hay. My added ‘grass round bales’ have in fact as fillType hay. You only have a different texture to make it look better. Also applies to alfalfa and clover. Dadruch can the feed easily and wrap. The square bales this fillTypes can feed without problems. Are also regarded as hay.
If you use the mod BaleExtension of Upside Down, no grass round bales are recorded from my script, as it has been doing this. Grass square bales are always registered.
Since I unfortunately did not make it, the rakes via script a Particlesystem for: to give clover, alfalfa, rye, oats and Hirseschwad, I’ve adjusted manually, the 3 standard Rake. Did not want to gamble without Particlesystem. Are the shop: ‘mods’ -> ‘Rake’ zufinden. It is also in the use description that they have a Particlesystem for this swath.
Much more, there are no longer satisfied. : D This mod is compatible with 100% of the baleExtension Mod Upside Down. Was wichitg me, since I use these myself, and not want to miss. Should eigendlich have been clear already from the description out, but something one can ned say enough .. ^^
Have fun balers!
Script: Ifko[nator]
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
How to install mods
Farming Simulator 2015 game is an agricultural game that gives you an opportunity to grow vegetables, take care of animals and buy or repair Cars, Combines, Tractors or other vehicles.
In FS 15 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from www.farming2015mods.com. Upload to your game folder. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.